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Trading my shinys and manaphy


New Member
shiny level 25 kyogre brave nature (hacked)
shiny level 25 wartortle relaxed nature nicknamed blastoise
shiny latios level 40 naughty nature nicknamed latios-
shiny charmander level 15 modest nature
legit shiny deoxys level 30 from hoenn
shiny raquayza level 70 hardy nature

manaphy level 10 lax nature

I want other good shiny pokemon and event pokemon other than mystery mew wishmaker jircachi and 10 ann celebi
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Feel the heat~!
What do you want for the Shiny Rayquaza..?


New Member
sorry I forgot to post other, I will edit my post but I want other good shiny pokemon and event pokemon other than mystery mew wishmaker jircachi and 10 ann celebi


Well-Known Member
What would you like for deoxys?


New Member
wifi name is michael, you want shiny charmander?

If so I want 2 maybe 3 shinys for it because of its nature

Will you post the shinys you are willing to trade