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Trading POKERUS...


New Member
Trading POKERUS infected Ghastly for an Up-Grade and Dubious Disc.

These items are used to evolve Porygon ---> Porygon2 ---> Porygon-Z. If you have no intention of using Porygon-Z, then this trade should be very helpful you.

For those of you know don't know, POKERUS is a very rare disease that doubles EV points gained during battle. When used in conjunction with the Macho Brace, you can cut your EV training time to 1/4. The disease also spreads easily to Pokemon in your party. Simply place the infected Pokemon next to the Pokemon you want to infect and battle a few times. For more information, go here ---> http://www.serebii.net/games/pokerus.shtml.

If interested, feel free to set up the time and date of the trade. Once again, this trade is for your Up-Grade AND Dubious Disc for a POKERUS infected Ghastly.

My Friend Code is 1418 3196 2408