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Trading Several Pokemon, Including Event and Shining

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God of Thunder
Actually, it's a little more than a box. But that's beside the point.

I'ev got a bunch of Pokemon that were either hatched at level one or EV-Trained to the levels they are. Or, they were given at that level (mainly, the 10 ANIV ones). Here's what I've got (prepare for the long list!):

10 ANIV (All untouched)

Legendaries + Other Event PKMN

-Mewtwo (Modest, barely-touched)
-Mewtwo (Jolly, level 100)
-MYSTRY Mew (Untouched)
-WISHMKR Jirachi (Timid, level 40, had PKRS, Trained)
-Kyogre (Modest, level 49, PKRS)
-Raikou (Naive, level 100, PKRS, GTS)
-Suicune (Docile, level 71, had PKRS, Trained)
-SPACE C Deoxys (Calm, barely-touched, PKRS)

Random Pokemon

-Shining Espeon (Timid, level 75, EV-Trained)
-Shining Umbreon (Bold, level 100, trained, Wish + Baton Pass)
-Shining Charizard (Adamant, level 100, possibly EV-Trained, Dragon Dance)
-Shining Sceptile (Modest, level 100, possibly EV-Trained)
-Shining Zangoose (Timid, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Seviper (Quiet, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Sneasel (Jolly, level 50)
-Shining Nidoqueen (Jolly, level 100, has PKRS)
-Shining Ditto (Naughty, level 29)
-Shining Gyarados (Serious, level 50)
-Shining Mr.Mime (Lax, level 30)
-Shining Floatzel (Bashful, level 30)
-Shining Zubat (Calm, level 28)
-Shining Eevee (Modest, level 1)
-Shining Bulbasaur (Quiet, level 1)
-Shining Elekid (x2--Rash, Serious, both level 1)
-Zangoose (Adamant, level 50, trained)
-Charizard (Adamant, level 71, trained, PKRS)
-Ninetails (Calm, level 50, EV-trained)
-Scizor (Timid, level 70, trained, PKRS)
-Heracross (Serious, level 57, trained)
-Umbreon (Calm, level 100, most likely EV-trained, had PKRS)
-Metagross (Careful, level 100, GTS, had PKRS, Japanese)
-Salamence (Serious, level 100, EV-Trained, had PKRS)
-Gengar (Modest, level 70, had PKRS, EV-Trained)
-Electivire (Adamant, level 41, had PKRS, has Ice Punch + Cross Chop, Atk EV-Trained)

Long list, huh? Anyhow, I'm looking for quite a few Pokemon, and they must all have a decent nature and moveset:

-Shining Gengar
-Shining Electivire
-Shining Magmortar
-Shining Blissey
-Shining Tyranitar
-Shining Suicune
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God of Thunder
egg: I'm only sure that I trained it's Special Attack, so it may require a little more EV-training. However, it's stats are:

Atk: 90
Def: 110
Sp. Atk.: 231
Sp.Def.: 119
Speed: 181

johnnytommy: Alright then, what are you interested in?


Charizard Master
Actually, it's a little more than a box. But that's beside the point.

I'ev got a bunch of Pokemon that were either hatched at level one or EV-Trained to the levels they are. Or, they were given at that level (mainly, the 10 ANIV ones). Here's what I've got (prepare for the long list!):

10 ANIV (All untouched)

Legendaries + Other Event PKMN

-Mewtwo (Modest, barely-touched)
-Mewtwo (Jolly, level 100)
-MYSTRY Mew (Untouched)
-WISHMKR Jirachi (Timid, level 40, had PKRS)
-Kyogre (Modest, level 49, PKRS)
-SPACE C Deoxys (Calm, barely-touched, PKRS)
-SPACE C Deoxys (Mild, untouched)

Random Pokemon

-Shining Ralts (Brave, male, level 1)
-Shining Riolu (Adamant, level 1)
-Shining Eevee (Modest, level 1)
-Shining Zangoose (Timid, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Seviper (Quiet, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Sneasel (Jolly, level 50 [caught at that level])
-Zangoose (Adamant, level 50, trained)
-Charizard (Adamant, level 71, trained, PKRS)
-Ninetails (Calm, level 50, EV-trained)
-Heracross (Serious, level 57, trained)
-Scizor (Timid, level 70, trained, PKRS)
-Umbreon (Calm, level 100, most likely EV-trained, had PKRS)
-Metagross (Careful, level 100, GTS, had PKRS, Japanese)
-Salamence (Serious, level 100, EV-Trained, had PKRS)
-Gengar (Modest, level 70, had PKRS, EV-Trained)

Long list, huh? Anyhow, I'm looking for quite a few Pokemon, and they must all have a decent nature and moveset, except for the last one on the upcoming list. :

-Shining Umbreon

I like ur shiny eevee,riolu and ralts heres what i got shiny:

like any of those?


Up For Trade P.M Me
Check my trade site and thread for things you might want. I like the ralts, zangoose, seveiper, and celebi.


God of Thunder
TyranitarCatcher: The fact that your offering Arceus and Darkrai only makes me question the legitimacy of the Dusknoir. Therefore, I'll decline your offer.

RED_EYES_BLACK_CHARIZARD: What are the natures of the Tyranitar, Charizard, and Sceptile?

Johnnytommy: Pick one.


New Member
any of these for space c deoxys or 10th anv pokemon, but i REALLY want space c deoxys

lv 3 shiny wurmple
lv 28 shiny vileplum
lv 26 shiny nidorino
lv 26 shiny venomoth
lv 28 shiny bellsprout
lv 26 shiny nidoran(f)
lv 26 shiny zubat
lv 97 dragonite
lv 52 scizor
lv 52 scyther
lv 55 rhyperior
lv 70 heatran
lv 20 shieldon
lv 54 dialga
lv 54 entei
lv 37 blastoise
lv 5 wishmkr Jirachi
lv 1 rotom
lv 60 milotic
lv 100 ambipom
lv 65 gengar


God of Thunder
johnnytommy: You've got yourself a deal.

MattMetal - No thanks.

RED_EYES_BLACK_CHARIZARD - I'm interested in the Charizard and Sceptile. Would you trade 'em for Eevee and Ralts, seeing as though johnnytommy's getting the Riolu?

§Justin§ - Latios is adamant, level 70, and has the following stats:

HP: 201
Atk: 152
Def: 127
SpAtk: 177
SpDef: 180
Spd: 163


Charizard Master
RED_EYES_BLACK_CHARIZARD - I'm interested in the Charizard and Sceptile. Would you trade 'em for Eevee and Ralts, seeing as though johnnytommy's getting the Riolu?

Darn i really wanted Riolu but ok lets trade ill ad u my FC is in my sig. ill be on in 5 minutes
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