Actually, it's a little more than a box. But that's beside the point.
I'ev got a bunch of Pokemon that were either hatched at level one or EV-Trained to the levels they are. Or, they were given at that level (mainly, the 10 ANIV ones). Here's what I've got (prepare for the long list!):
10 ANIV (All untouched)
Legendaries + Other Event PKMN
-Mewtwo (Modest, barely-touched)
-Mewtwo (Jolly, level 100)
-MYSTRY Mew (Untouched)
-WISHMKR Jirachi (Timid, level 40, had PKRS, Trained)
-Kyogre (Modest, level 49, PKRS)
-Raikou (Naive, level 100, PKRS, GTS)
-Suicune (Docile, level 71, had PKRS, Trained)
-SPACE C Deoxys (Calm, barely-touched, PKRS)
Random Pokemon
-Shining Espeon (Timid, level 75, EV-Trained)
-Shining Umbreon (Bold, level 100, trained, Wish + Baton Pass)
-Shining Charizard (Adamant, level 100, possibly EV-Trained, Dragon Dance)
-Shining Sceptile (Modest, level 100, possibly EV-Trained)
-Shining Zangoose (Timid, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Seviper (Quiet, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Sneasel (Jolly, level 50)
-Shining Nidoqueen (Jolly, level 100, has PKRS)
-Shining Ditto (Naughty, level 29)
-Shining Gyarados (Serious, level 50)
-Shining Mr.Mime (Lax, level 30)
-Shining Floatzel (Bashful, level 30)
-Shining Zubat (Calm, level 28)
-Shining Eevee (Modest, level 1)
-Shining Bulbasaur (Quiet, level 1)
-Shining Elekid (x2--Rash, Serious, both level 1)
-Zangoose (Adamant, level 50, trained)
-Charizard (Adamant, level 71, trained, PKRS)
-Ninetails (Calm, level 50, EV-trained)
-Scizor (Timid, level 70, trained, PKRS)
-Heracross (Serious, level 57, trained)
-Umbreon (Calm, level 100, most likely EV-trained, had PKRS)
-Metagross (Careful, level 100, GTS, had PKRS, Japanese)
-Salamence (Serious, level 100, EV-Trained, had PKRS)
-Gengar (Modest, level 70, had PKRS, EV-Trained)
-Electivire (Adamant, level 41, had PKRS, has Ice Punch + Cross Chop, Atk EV-Trained)
Long list, huh? Anyhow, I'm looking for quite a few Pokemon, and they must all have a decent nature and moveset:
-Shining Gengar
-Shining Electivire
-Shining Magmortar
-Shining Blissey
-Shining Tyranitar
-Shining Suicune
I'ev got a bunch of Pokemon that were either hatched at level one or EV-Trained to the levels they are. Or, they were given at that level (mainly, the 10 ANIV ones). Here's what I've got (prepare for the long list!):
10 ANIV (All untouched)
Legendaries + Other Event PKMN
-Mewtwo (Modest, barely-touched)
-Mewtwo (Jolly, level 100)
-MYSTRY Mew (Untouched)
-WISHMKR Jirachi (Timid, level 40, had PKRS, Trained)
-Kyogre (Modest, level 49, PKRS)
-Raikou (Naive, level 100, PKRS, GTS)
-Suicune (Docile, level 71, had PKRS, Trained)
-SPACE C Deoxys (Calm, barely-touched, PKRS)
Random Pokemon
-Shining Espeon (Timid, level 75, EV-Trained)
-Shining Umbreon (Bold, level 100, trained, Wish + Baton Pass)
-Shining Charizard (Adamant, level 100, possibly EV-Trained, Dragon Dance)
-Shining Sceptile (Modest, level 100, possibly EV-Trained)
-Shining Zangoose (Timid, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Seviper (Quiet, level 100, EV-Trained)
-Shining Sneasel (Jolly, level 50)
-Shining Nidoqueen (Jolly, level 100, has PKRS)
-Shining Ditto (Naughty, level 29)
-Shining Gyarados (Serious, level 50)
-Shining Mr.Mime (Lax, level 30)
-Shining Floatzel (Bashful, level 30)
-Shining Zubat (Calm, level 28)
-Shining Eevee (Modest, level 1)
-Shining Bulbasaur (Quiet, level 1)
-Shining Elekid (x2--Rash, Serious, both level 1)
-Zangoose (Adamant, level 50, trained)
-Charizard (Adamant, level 71, trained, PKRS)
-Ninetails (Calm, level 50, EV-trained)
-Scizor (Timid, level 70, trained, PKRS)
-Heracross (Serious, level 57, trained)
-Umbreon (Calm, level 100, most likely EV-trained, had PKRS)
-Metagross (Careful, level 100, GTS, had PKRS, Japanese)
-Salamence (Serious, level 100, EV-Trained, had PKRS)
-Gengar (Modest, level 70, had PKRS, EV-Trained)
-Electivire (Adamant, level 41, had PKRS, has Ice Punch + Cross Chop, Atk EV-Trained)
Long list, huh? Anyhow, I'm looking for quite a few Pokemon, and they must all have a decent nature and moveset:
-Shining Gengar
-Shining Electivire
-Shining Magmortar
-Shining Blissey
-Shining Tyranitar
-Shining Suicune
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