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Trading Shiny Deoxys/Shuckle


New Member
Mmmyeah o.o
Dunno whether they're common or not, but I might aswell ask..

Anyone happen to have a shiny Eevee?

If not.. just... what shinies would you trade? ><
I'm up for offers. :]
are they legit?


New Member
Okay, I actually had to check on the legitness, as the Deoxys I picked up from hours on the GTS, and the Shuckle was from a friend.
They do LOOK legit, the locations and levels found at seem right, but I can't guarantee it ><

Deoxys: 30 (EVable?)
Shuckle: 100

Hmmm... I would attempt to clone them, but I'm not all that good at it...
... And, I don't know if you guys want it to be a one-off thing x_x

So.. yeah ^^

And Azelf sounds yummy... =]

Hawhaw mistake xP
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