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Trading: Shiny Smeargle!!


+ L i g h t m a r e
Mew can get caught from the ticket on a japanese Emerald so there's a possibility it's legit. Not sure about the TRU Mew since I got it from someone else. Wish I had a shiny Hadou Mew. >.> Oh well, shiny Smeargles aren't all that grand. Thanks for the time then.

Fire NDS

A former noob
and Ill tell you how to clone to get all the evolutions in shiny!!!!!!

;000;; missingo rocks!

Fire NDS

A former noob


ESP Used Psychic
That Smeargle doesn't really have a good moveset. And brave is a horrible nature on smeargle. A good nature is a +Speed nature and a good moveset would be:

Smeargle@Salac Berry
[+ Speed Nature here]
-Belly Drum
-Baton Pass

In case you don't know how it works.
1) Bring in on a slower pokemon. MAKE SURE NOT TO TAKE DAMAGE.
2) Spore it
3) Put up a Substitute
4) Belly Drum, activating Salac for +6 Attack and +1 Speed.
5) Baton Pass to a sweeper (Salamence, Aerodactyl, etc.)


**Moved to Smogon**
The moveset is good, when you want to KO an opponent, besides if you wanted to change it, you could.

Plus, I can't have a billion salac berries, that moveset it complicated

The pokemon could wake up, ruining it


ESP Used Psychic
Smeargle can't really afford to get hit by an attack. Which is what spore is for. Also, OHKO moves are banned in competitive play.


**Moved to Smogon**
Smeargle can't really afford to get hit by an attack. Which is what spore is for. Also, OHKO moves are banned in competitive play.

Competitive play as in...? Tourney in real life (like an actul tourny) I wouldn't use it in a tourny, plus I wouldn't enter one.

BUT if Smeargle is faster which may be the case, smeargle:

1st turn: Lock on, stays alive with focus slash
2nd Turn: Sheer Cold

The Moveset that you said is good but, if smeargle and only one other pokemon is left, which can't do high damage, but can stay up for 3 turns (like Blissey) Perish Song comes in handy
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Pokemon Addict!
any TWO of these shinies:
Lv.100 - not EV trained
Walrein (named SEAL)
sharpedo (named SHARPUR)

Other Shinies:
shiny mareep lv.36 modest untouched
Pidgeot lv. 37 adamant untouched
Machamp lv.33
Linoone lv.37
electrode hardy untouched lv.30
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**Moved to Smogon**
Nah, I have crobat, don't like tentacruel, don't want nicknamed shinies, have mareep, not really interested in pidgeot, don't like machamp/linoone, electrode is to basic (blue instead of red)


Pokemon Addict!
Nah, I have crobat, don't like tentacruel, don't want nicknamed shinies, have mareep, not really interested in pidgeot, don't like machamp/linoone, electrode is to basic (blue instead of red)

man you're fussy... ah well, i'll look else where...


**Moved to Smogon**
I think I am gonna keep it. What is weird about it is it has a nature that lowers speed, yet speed is the highest stat (if you don't count hp). I guess the person EV trained it in Speed, I guess if no one takes it, I'll EV train it in Speed:)


Pokemon Elite
shiny gallade
shiny sableye
Shiny metagross

Oh, and the spore, baton pass guy. I would just use taunt on your smeargle