Legend Tamer
This is what i have:
Shiny Salamence lv50
Shiny Dragonite lv50
Shiny Golbat lv33
Shiny Cherubi lv6
Shiny Mightyena lv18
Non Shinys:
Macnetric lv100
Agron lv100
Cyndaquil lv1
Phione eggs
I will give anything one the list for a shiny chikorita. But you can still offer other pokemons. If you want anything that is not on the list ask for it, I may have it.
Shiny Salamence lv50
Shiny Dragonite lv50
Shiny Golbat lv33
Shiny Cherubi lv6
Shiny Mightyena lv18
Non Shinys:
Macnetric lv100
Agron lv100
Cyndaquil lv1
Phione eggs
I will give anything one the list for a shiny chikorita. But you can still offer other pokemons. If you want anything that is not on the list ask for it, I may have it.