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Trading Sinnoh Starters, Eevees, Riolus + ...


New Member
I am trading:

3 male eevees
6 male chimchars
3 male piplups *Moves: Blizzard, Surf, Pound and Grass Knot*
1 female piplup
2 male ralts
3 female ralts
2 female riolus
22 male riolus

and i can breed:

Turtwig eggs
Gible eggs
skorupi eggs
feebas eggs
absol eggs

What i am looking for:

any LEGIT Shinys
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Absol
LEGIT manaphy
other starters

Name: Emma
FC: 3222-2237-6315
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Dragon trainer
I can give you a phione, either in its egg or hatched


Dragon trainer
can i have a female riolu, i'll go get the egg for you


Dragon trainer
ok, once i've got the egg i'll be on, do you want it with pokerus?


Dragon trainer
shouldn't be too l0ong, i have the egg and i'm giving it pkrs now


Dragon trainer
i'm coming now


Dragon trainer
thank you for the riolu