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Trading to/from D/P

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
Hopefully, this hasn't been answered before, as Iv'e looked through the pages in the battle Revolution section and couldn't find it, so I decided to ask.

Can you trade your pokemon from the DS to Revolution, and if so, can you trade them back to D/P like you can with FR/LG/R/S/E and Col./XD?

Brock PHillips.


Well-Known Member
Unless in PBR you can have other gen legendarys and starters then YES!
and i think this has been confirmed.


If you can transfer a pokemon from emerald, to D/P, to battle revolution, then back to D/P, then back to emerald, I'd be VERY happy. I'd love to see my emerald pokemon team duking it out in PBR.


Twilight of Aquarius
You can trade from Emerald to D/P, but you can't trade back. At least, that's what I heard. I don't have a source.


Unless there's some storage system on PBR, it can be stored but can't be traded.

You can trade from Emerald to D/P, but you can't trade back. At least, that's what I heard. I don't have a source.
I thought it works like - all the data from pokemon you want to transfer is copied into D/P's Pal Park, so you keep the pokemon in your emerald version, while they're also in your D/P version. Right?

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
The pokemon's data/selves are copied to Battle revolution?

I know that you can choose what your trainer-self looks like, but can you choose the appearance of your (copied/cloned) pokemon in relation to the items held/contest items? (Scarfs etc.)

Brock Phillips.


Well-Known Member
The data is just transfered over from DP to PBR.

He was asking if you can trade it from DP tp PBR back to DP, not DP to PBR to DP to RSEFRLG.

He was asking if you can trade PBR pokes to DP and vice versa like how you were able to trade from Colo to RSE and vise versa


Well-Known Member
According to the news:
You transfer over your pokes for the single player and you can train like in the games, and then you can transfer them back. So trade=no;transfer=yes

Oh, and you can not trade back to past games. You essentially transfer your GBA pokes to DP via Pal Park. Once their in DP, they wont go back to the GBA games.


According to the news:
You transfer over your pokes for the single player and you can train like in the games, and then you can transfer them back. So trade=no;transfer=yes

Oh, and you can not trade back to past games. You essentially transfer your GBA pokes to DP via Pal Park. Once their in DP, they wont go back to the GBA games.
I forgot about that. I don't know why anyone would EV train in PBR, when it's probably MUCH faster in the handheld games.

And trading to D/P is a one-time thing? So if I try to get my Emerald team to PBR, I'll never get it back on emerald? :(

He was asking if you can trade it from DP tp PBR back to DP, not DP to PBR to DP to RSEFRLG.

He was asking if you can trade PBR pokes to DP and vice versa like how you were able to trade from Colo to RSE and vise versa
Great, like we needed someone to clarify the glaringly obvious. So what? Transferring/trading from RSE > DP > PBR and back was relevant to the topic as a whole.