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Trainer Card (Pokemon Style) Preview


Gold Revamper
I've seen designs from PokeCommunity and I really liked these Cards
so i've thought of my own idea.

C & C Welcomed :D


Coral Eye Trainer
That's original, I like it:) You should make a template so other people can make that too, and a place for adding the level. Keep it up :)


it's nice!
the only thing: it only knows hydro pump!?
keep it up. i want to see more


Cool story.
Thats a GREAT IDEA! Why didn't I think of that? Yeah, make a template and tutorial so everone can make their own. Or open up a request shop in the request thread. Anyways, thats really cool.


Gold Revamper
Thanks guys, i'll maybe do that.....
I just need to make my own first.
the Hydro Pump's wasnt a mistake

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
kool i also would like a template


AKA NeoRyder
LOL 4x hydro pump XD

Its really cool Blennix, go d/p gyarados!!!