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Trainer Card

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Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
Sorry to ask. I have another question. I have this image for a trainer card but it won't appear. I got it from chris h-11 but I think he said go to imageshack.com, but it didn't work. Can anyone tell me how to make this image of my trainer card appear?

Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
Okay Ultimate. I want,
Trainer sprite: Champion Wallace
Backround: Aquatic or something
Badges: Johto
Pokémon: Venasaur, Feraligatr, Blaziken, Suicune, Starmie, Deoxys(speed form) all of them shiny please
name: CJ14
Pokémon behind trainer: shiny milotic
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Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
I found the trainer card that chris-h11 made for me, and I want that one in addition to the one ultimate made. But the trainer card I found is on another wabsite. How to I send it to my sig over here?
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Virtual Headache


Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
I found the card that Chris-h11 gve me. I even tried follow those directions from that link, and it still didn't work. Please tell me what i'm doing wrong. The "manage attatchments" button doesn't appear for some reason.

Virtual Headache

Champion Jared 14 said:
I found the card that Chris-h11 gve me. I even tried follow those directions from that link, and it still didn't work. Please tell me what i'm doing wrong. The "manage attatchments" button doesn't appear for some reason.
You can't upload attachments in every forum.
Upload them to www.imageshack.us

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Let me explain for you basically:


That is not aurl. You need the ENTIRE LINK. If someone made it for you and has uploaded it, they will have the entire link. Get it off them, then follow the instructions in the FAQ that tell you how to put it in your sig. If you don't have a URL then you don't have a trainer card.


Zephyr Trainer
Take out the *

[*IMG]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/Ultimate7/stc.png[/IMG] and put it in your sig

and put it in your sig

Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
Okay. I'm trying to load it there and they are saying that the dimesion limit for the file is 100 x 100. They also say that I have to manually adjust the size. How do I do that?

Virtual Headache

Champion Jared 14 said:
Okay. I'm trying to load it there and they are saying that the dimesion limit for the file is 100 x 100. They also say that I have to manually adjust the size. How do I do that?
Ultimate already uploaded it for you.
Just use this code (don't change naything about it):

Champion Jared 14

Well-Known Member
Oh snap! My trainer card is there!!! Oh wow! Thanks you all. Ultimate I need to thank you. Now how do I put, thanks to Ultimate for the trainer card in there? Oh! Nevermind I just did it. Thaks so much everyone! Especially you, Ultimate, for the perfect trainer card I wanted. You've made my life so much better.
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