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!!!Trainer Cards For All!!!


Devoted Trainer
Trainer Name:
1-6 pokemon:
pokemon fully in box or sticking out slightly (see last example below)
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon with Trainer (optional):
Trainer in front of or behind Pokemon:
(i could put two pokemon with the trainer if they were smallish i suppose)
background avalible fron this web page:http://www.freewebs.com/pmjackass/tr...dtemplates.htm
i can make custom backgrounds 4 my tcs so if you give me a background you would like or describe vividly what you want i could do that.

here are some examples of my work:






i can also do some okish sprite fusions but i cannot do recolours (yet).
GIVE CREDIT!!!nobody likes a theif
shinou badges by zipzap
templates 18-25 by blazin' blaziken

Request Away people
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Loving Trainer
Trainer Name:Miss Rachie
1-6 pokemon:leafia shiney mew lugia suicune metagross ho-oh
pokemon fully in box or sticking out slightly (see last example below)just normal
Badges:aaaaaaaaalllllll =]
Trainer Sprite: May
Pokemon Behind Trainer (optional): Lugia behind
Trainer in front of or behind Pokemon: behind
(i could put two pokemon with the trainer if they were smallish i suppose)
there u go i just thought i would give u summit fn todo babe =] xXx

Master Lucario

Lucario King
Hello!!! This is my first time in this forum and I wanna Start out Fresh. I was wondering if you can make me a trainer Card.

Name: Casper
Trainer: FR/LG Trainer(Boy)
Pokemon in Front: Lucario
6 Pokemon:pikachu(FR Version), Mewtwo(FR Version), Mew(FR Version)
Charizard(FR Version),Lugia (FR Version), Entie(Emerald Verion)
[Pokemon Sticking Out]
BackGround: Shooting Stars with Dark and Bright Blue. Black and white mixed in. Almost like a Space Dimension.Just like the The second trainer card you have in you example, just with shooting stars added to it.

I would really appreciate it a whole bunch! oh and take your time to, no rush. Thanks A Bunch!!!


Loving Trainer
Hey thanks much for the tc =] hope u had fun making it xXx


Can I have a TC that says Cosmic, has a Solrock, Speed Deoxys, Jirachi, Diaruga, Lunatone, and Parukia? And a Cooltrainer wiith a Shiny PorygonZ behind it,(all dp sprites, please) and a spaceyish background? thanks so much!And no pokemon sticking out of the boxes, please!


Devoted Trainer
im sorry shinning cubone i think you have the wrong shop and shining murkrow im on it


you know why im here
tc plz
name: Zaid
6 pokemon: shiny blaziken, shiny charzard, typhlosion, shiny mew, shiny ditto, ho-oh
badges:gold and silver frontier symbol
sprite: the d/p boy character
pokemon behind tranier: entie
background: 3 example plz
pokemon sighlitly out

thx in advance!!!
~Big Z out~
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Pokemon Hero
Trainer Name: Hikomander
1-6 pokemon: Pachirisu, Pichu, Rentoraa, Enpuerto, Dorapion, Lucario
pokemon sticking out slightly
Badges: 8 Shinou Badges
Trainer Sprite: Kouki (Male Diamond)
Pokemon Behind Trainer (optional): Enpuerto
Trainer in front of or behind Pokemon: Pichu and Pachirisu if you please


Devoted Trainer
here you go shining murkrow you didnt say what bages you wanted so i made one of each if you are unhappy with anythin let me know and ill fix it

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
Trainer Name:Haris
1-6 pokemon:Lucario,Shiny mew,Shiny Eevee,Aresues,Mewtwo,Pikachu
pokemon fully in box
Badges:Gold Frontier, and D/P badges (But if you don't have those use Kanto badges)
Trainer Sprite:http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frlgemtr/frlgemtr106.png
Pokemon Behind Trainer (optional):
Trainer in front of or behind Pokemon:pikachu
3rd Background


<will eat your kids
you REALLY need some help making your tc's, maybe a new templates.


Devoted Trainer
no thanks smashdood im startin to work on that
and Zaidbenh you didnt say if you wanted pokemon fully in box or not so i made 2 lol


Devoted Trainer
ill finish up tomorow morn but keep requestin itll give me summit to do lol cya