Devoted Trainer
Trainer Name:
1-6 pokemon:
pokemon fully in box or sticking out slightly (see last example below)
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon with Trainer (optional):
Trainer in front of or behind Pokemon:
(i could put two pokemon with the trainer if they were smallish i suppose)
background avalible fron this web page:http://www.freewebs.com/pmjackass/tr...dtemplates.htm
i can make custom backgrounds 4 my tcs so if you give me a background you would like or describe vividly what you want i could do that.
here are some examples of my work:
i can also do some okish sprite fusions but i cannot do recolours (yet).
GIVE CREDIT!!!nobody likes a theif
shinou badges by zipzap
templates 18-25 by blazin' blaziken
Request Away people
1-6 pokemon:
pokemon fully in box or sticking out slightly (see last example below)
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon with Trainer (optional):
Trainer in front of or behind Pokemon:
(i could put two pokemon with the trainer if they were smallish i suppose)
background avalible fron this web page:http://www.freewebs.com/pmjackass/tr...dtemplates.htm
i can make custom backgrounds 4 my tcs so if you give me a background you would like or describe vividly what you want i could do that.
here are some examples of my work:

i can also do some okish sprite fusions but i cannot do recolours (yet).
GIVE CREDIT!!!nobody likes a theif
shinou badges by zipzap
templates 18-25 by blazin' blaziken
Request Away people
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