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Trainer concept art.


Well-Known Member

Concept for Hyrum Fearghas, main character of my fic.

The Edge

I like the idea, but the proportions are all wrong. The head is to small for the body, the neck is too long, the legs are to wobbly, and the body...just looks a little off. The nose seems a bit large as well :p
That said, i can tell you put some time into this and think that it could be a lot better if you paid more attention to the way people are actually built. Look at an action figure or something as a reference point if you need to.

Or...maybe it was supposed to be that way. o0 If that's the case, sorry and ignore what i just said...but it would still look better if the proportions were right.


Well-Known Member
Stylized anatomy, friend. I understand his misproportions, but I felt that a good, fun way to describe his big and tallness would be a reality stretch. Also, is it not obvious that his pants are extremely baggy? Drats.

I understand anatomy well enough that mistakes like the ones drawn here should be recognized as aesthetic, but I dont expect you to know that, so to you I can only say

Thanks for posting.




Very, very good, the only slight problem is the proportion of the head to the body is a bit wrong.

Oh, and the bloobers are a bit random.


Well-Known Member
Hunchback? How does one look hunchback?

Do you mean hunchbacked? Or what? I dont see it.


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, people on this site are dumb.

I WAS going to point out that his head was too small, but then I read what you said, and you know what? I like your style. It's different and attractive. >=( And know what I really like is his giant zipper. That would be so cool, having a big zipper like that, it would totally enhance the fun in zipping.

The bloobers are damn cool, too, but why "bloobers"?


Well-Known Member
I know, big zippers are awesome. :0 I like the turn of words you used: totaly enhance the fun in zipping. That made me smile. Anyways, thanks. I might post more concepts from my fic in this style.

Why not bloobers? Thats the question. I dont rightly know the answer.


Well-Known Member
Tis a hoodie. So why is he hunchbacked? If its obviously clothing hes not hunchbacked. And even if I was incredibly ambigous as to what was on his neck, it would at worst be an incredibly large neck.


Well-Known Member
You can't even see his neck.

Are you high? You dont seem capable of typing and you make no sense, Manetric.

The Edge

Stylized anatomy, friend. I understand his misproportions, but I felt that a good, fun way to describe his big and tallness would be a reality stretch. Also, is it not obvious that his pants are extremely baggy? Drats.

I understand anatomy well enough that mistakes like the ones drawn here should be recognized as aesthetic, but I dont expect you to know that, so to you I can only say

Thanks for posting.

Me said:
Or...maybe it was supposed to be that way. o0 If that's the case, sorry and ignore what i just said...but it would still look better if the proportions were right.

Did you not notice this part? I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be that way or not. Now that i know, sorry again. But even with the odd proportions, there're still some things that don't look right. My comments are outlined in red

It's not perfect, but i did it in five seconds on MS Paint.
Assuming the neck is where I outlined it, it's still pretty darn long. OR maybe it's thicker. You're the artist.
As for the pants, the "baggy" parts cut through where his legs would actually be underneath there. Unless they're abnormally thin, which wouldn't surprise me given the rest of the proportions. o0 Baggy pants are tough, but try to make them less like wobbles or waves and more like...well, bags. :p

Sorry if i'm making too big a deal of this, but i'm just defending my previous comments.
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