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Trainer Hill

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I want to ask: can you steal items from Trainers in trainer hill and keep them? I just saw Entei with Petaya Berry and I don't own one so I hope I can steal it. It seems that after you beat the whole thing, you don't get your lum/Persim/etc berries back so does that mean you can steal it?
I think you can. Never tried though.


has anyone tried it yet? I would, but I am hatching aerodactyl eggs.


so have you tried Poke Freak? If you haven't you shouldn't be saying anything without proof.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you can't. I know for a fact you can't in FR/LG. I tried to steal something from the Alakazam from the 2nd battle of the double battle one (I forget what it was). Thief hit and did damage, and my poke wasn't holding anything, but it didn't work.

P.S. How do you work Emerald's Trainer Hill, anyway? I tried it and don't understand how to beat it.


run around and battle them 2v2. Go to the next level when you win, there is only 4 battles per race. It takes around 15 minutes to do each.
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