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Gastrodon wanne be..

Welcome to the ....ummm....yah! ok
This thread is about a Trainer carrer. Feel the templette here:

Trainer/Coordinator. What?:

Wich pokemon?:

You are from...:

You're goal.:
Mine it's that...

Hikozaru-Mimimoru (Evolve)-Beequeen-Neorantu
Fiore and travel to Sinnoh
Becaume the hottest/coolest/master of contest



Well-Known Member
Trainer/Coordinator. What?:Coordinator

Wich pokemon?: starter would be squirtle... have snorunt/ vileplume/cyndaquil/mime jr & naetoru

You are from...: Johto travel around the world

You're goal.: become the world known pokemon coordinator


Trainer/Coordinator: Trainer
Which pokemon?: Eevos except for glacia-it isnt needed
You are from...:sinnoh shinou whatever its called
You're goal.: easy, to get 18 lvl 100s and im nearly there


A shade of mystery
You are: Researcher/trainer

Your pokemon: Definately: Muumajji, Lapras, Dragonite.

Other pokemon change from reigion to region.

From: Orre, going through region has found.

Goal: To be at one with pokemon and to fully understand pokemon concepts.


Trainer/Coordinator. What?: Trainer of course

Wich pokemon?: Manetric, Macargo, Breloom, Flygon, Espeon and Sharpedo. (My favourite Pokemon)

You are from...: Johto

You're goal.: To join an Electric gym


Gastrodon wanne be..
How cute is that! I just want to notice that the contest that im going in are this fonction: You present ur self with all ur pokemon that are participing, you chose 1 of ur 3 pokemon to make a Attack Appeal. Then ur second pokemon, it have to make a Danse Appearl. Then the third pokemon will have to mix a Attack and a Danse Appeal. Then judges votes and blablabla and then if u are going to the next round you: You battle 1 VS 1 battle. If you win:You battle another coordinator 2 VS 2. if you win: You battle another one then it's 3 VS 3 battle. You win: You win the contest.

This type of contest is hard because ur pokemon will have to survive a least 2 or 3 round during battling.



YOUR best friend
If I were a cartoon/game character...

Trainer/Coordinator. What?: I'm a... Pokemon... uh... a Pokemon FRIEND? o_O

Wich pokemon?: Electrode, Blaziken, Hariyama, Xatu, Roselia and Venomoth... and anyone else who wants to tag along.

You are from...: Kanto. Started traveling and fooling around in Hoenn, though.

You're goal.: I'm goal? ;P Erh, I basically travel around and befriend Pokemon, and help 'em reach THEIR goals. So whether they want to challenge gyms, enter contests, learn a specific move or anything else, I'll do my best to help them along.


Well-Known Member
Okay dokay...

Trainer/Coordinator? Definitely a trainer.
Which Pokemon? Sneasel without a doubt and i'd follow Ash's little trend and have her out of the Pokeball so we can have fun pelting Blaziken trainers with water bombs and fleeing from their rage. I'd also have Persian, Misdreavus, Cradily, Rentoraa and Gyarados... my top 6 Pokemon.
You Are From? Fallarbor Town. It's nice and quiet thank you.
Your Goal? To breed an army of Sneasels and make a water bomb factory.


Main screen turn on!
Trainer/Coordinator? Trainer.
Which Pokemon? Mightyena, Sceptile, Blaziken, Metagross, Tyranitar, Rayquaza. I'll probably change my team when D/P come out in North America, but I'll keep the Blaziken.
Where I'm from: Littleroot town, but my quest takes me all over. I am currently in Fiore, on my way to Sinnoh.
My goal: To complete my Pokedex and make friends along the way.


Well-Known Member
Proffession:pokemon Trainer

Pokemon:Donphan, Pikachu, Aipom, Typhlosion, Heracross, amd Sneasel.

From:Newbark Town

Goal:To become Pokemon master


Trainer/Coordinator- As of D/P, I'm leaning towards coordinator. =)
Which Pokemon- Korobooshi, Mukkuhawk, Rentoraa, Enperuto, Rapidash, Rozureido
You Are From- Somewhere in Sinnoh
Your Goal-To become a top coordinator


Trainer/Coordinator: Coordinator, definatly. 18 ribbons on one Pokemon so far.
Which Pokemon: Roselia, Flygon, Masquerain, Absol, Butterfree, Milotic.
You Are From: Hoenn.
Your Goal: To win the Master Rank of every contest, and to contnue my work in Shinou (D/P) in possible WiFi contests.


Well-Known Member
Pokémon: Banette, Xatu, Dusclops/Yonowarru, Misdreavus/Mumajji, Muk, Houndoom
Region: Hoenn
Goal: To win the Ribbon Cup... duh. :p

Pokemon:Latias, with no pokeball
From:Altomare and travel to Shinou
Goal: To be well known


Well-Known Member
Trainer/Coordinator: Trainer
Which pokemon?: Marowak, Cloyster, Arcanine, Vileplume, Dragonair, Hypno.
From...: Somewhere in Kanto
Goal.: Since I'm a trainer, I guess I train o_O


The new tuxedo look!
Definetly a trainer.
Pokemon: psyduck, latias and blaziken
From: Ever grande to fiore
Goal: to get all the gold battle frontier symbols.