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Trainer Tower/ Trainer Hill

My Trainer Tower / Trainer Hill Gameplay

  • Normal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Variety

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Unique

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Expert

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


I like this feature in Firered Leafgreen and Emerald. I play it more that the Battle Frontier and Pokemon Contest. My best record is 4.mins and 32.secs
How does anyone else feel about Trainer Tower/ Trainer Hill and what your best record?
I don't even bother with Trainer hill in emerald, the battle frontier is way better than that
I do like the Trainer Tower, its easy and you get great prizes for beatng it, for the Trainer Tower, I used a team of Lv.70 I got from JAA and a Mewtwo that I just caught :D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The Trainer Tower's okay, in my opinion, but I don't go there that often.
I sometimes find it as a waste of my time.
My best record is like twenty minutes, yeah, I'm slow. >_>

Trainer Hill's the same, it's okay, but I can usually find better things to do such as the Battle Frontier or contests.
My record on emerald is about the same as the Trainer Tower.



Powerplay Champion
I dunno... it just seems kinda pointless in emerald... seeing as how you have the far superior battle frontier in that game


I like pie.
my best time is only 20 minutes but i've only completed it once. when i finish training my tyranitar, i'm gonna do the doubles category and get that dragon scale. i really hate those girls with the shiny espeon and jolteon.