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Trainercard in pkmn Firered and leafgreen


New Member

I've got the question were you have to be when you want to change the text 'I am a pokemon friend' on the back of your trainercard in these games.
I can't find it anywhere and I've been looking for days now, but I just can't find it.
Some people said that you have to be in the market and change the questionarry, but that also isn't where you can change it. I just want to change my profile like you can do that in ruby/saphire/emerald in petalburg city.

Greetz, Thedafe


New Member
Yes sorry I know I posted it in the wrong subtitle, but please someone help me! It's just I'm new on this forum but not in the games!


Leave my posts alone

On the front it has your Name, Money, Pokdex, Time, and badges.
On the back it has your Name, Hall of Fame Debut (time), (something here, don't have it) Pokemon Trades, and Battles & Union Trades.

Are you talking about the thing I don't have, or something else?
It's alright Polursine, I don't understand what they're talking about either. And thedafe, if you're new here, heed this advice: Don't double post.


pokemon breeder
A girl in the right in the right hand corner next to the town map in PEWTER CITY pokemon centre. Talk to her and you can change it. Thats it.