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"Trainers Against Clones" club

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Real-life Gothorita
Hello everyone I'm Jennifer,
In pokemon Emerald there is a glitch which makes clones of pokemon. It is a completely legitimate and safe way to make two of any pokemon or item. The clone is identical to the original, making it very hard to tell the difference!
When Diamond and Pearl come out there will be Wi-Fi trading making it possible to trade with people from all round the world. This will be great but clones will spoil it. For people who haven't been able to get event pokemon like mew and celebi who have waited patiently since 1998 will be able to get them easily. But so will everyone. There'll be no more fun left in completing a pokedex...
The next generation of pokemon will be ruined
But this club believes we can save it. Please join us and show your support so that we can stop clones from getting onto wifi.

<3 Roeno <3

1) Please be nice
2) Always have our banner in your signature if you can, to let people know that cloning isn't good.
3) Please try get other people to join.

What we hope to achieve:
1) We hope to figure out some way that clones can be kept out of the wifi system and maybe even tell nintendo. They might not even know about the glitch.
2) We hope that using our strength in numbers we can actually make a difference in stopping the clones from ruining the next gen which we're all looking forward to so much.

Shiny Ho-Oh
Neo Mario

I thought it might be fun that if you do something good for this club you get points, and the more points you get the higher rank you get. Here are the things we need done and how many points you get.

1) We need a banner - 10 Points
2) A slogan - 5 points
3) Someone who's better at English than me to clearly explain why clones are bad! - 20 points
4) I'd like someone to explain the D/P cloning as i'm only aware of Emerald cloning - 5 points
5) We need a solution to clones on wifi! - 100 points!

Also we need more members... Please ask as many people to join, and you can have 3 points per member who comes here and says that you told them to join!



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oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
why don't people like in game glitches. i know some are dangerous but some are actually safe, if you've got the hang of them.


Real-life Gothorita
That's a fair question. The problem is that with the cloning glitches people will be able to clone a pokemon, then trade the cloned one. This means that nobody will mind what they get in return... You'd be doing someone a favour, you'd basically be giving them a pokemon. That might sound great but what's going to happen is instead of the challenge of searching for pokemon and trying to catch them and the thrill of finding a new pokemon you'll be able to get them all really easily on wifi trades... It'll make it really boring. And the battles will be filled with amazing EV hyper pokemon so you can either get them and it's boring or not and not have a chance.
Some member of this club who's more articulate please write this in better words so i can have it as our main thing!


Real-life Gothorita
Yay thankyou! What type of background do you need? I was thinking for a banner a picture of a mew looking evil and then copy and paste it so there's loads of them so they're all scary clones. But it's up to you.
I'm very glad to have your technical expertise. Could you try do one of the tasks? Thankyou


i guess i join even though i will be a little unhappy if i don't get those special event pokemon :p i won't have any chanse ever to get one exept for wi-fi...but still i think cloning is wrong...
As per your request...here I am joining :)

With any luck, it'll be sorted and not a worry anyway.


Real-life Gothorita
Let's all hope so.
Nintendo have said nothing about the glitch though and it's not in the japanese version. They may not even know about it (it's possible.) I would consider writing them a letter but first I want to see if more people want clones banned from wifi than people who don't. I hope it's people do but it's not up to me to decide.


:/ maybe they don't know but that would be suprising...

btw here is one glitch in DP there are more...there is a thread about it

This is so simple, i'd recommend getting this lil guy first!

Make sure you have a surfing pokemon, one that knows fly (just in case) and also a pokemon for battling, plus tons of ultraballs!

First use the E4 glitch (First E4 room, go to door and surf)
Land back on solid ground just south.
Reset your step counter!
Now go 200 steps east from the bottom door
Then go 363 steps south (563 steps total)
Then go 722 steps east (1285 steps total)
THEN go 19 steps west (1304 steps total) - This was originally 18, but this may hopefully make it a bit more secure for people getting stuck in water!!

CHECK YOUR MAP! You should be -map wise- on water, however, it should be about 2 tiles north of Route 224 exactly!

Use underground kit.
You should appear underground, so just resurface!
You'll now be on some glitchy land


Check you map key item and cancel out of it!
Everything should be fine now, just go straight north and eventually you'll spot Sheimi!
Remember to save before battling it, it's level 30 but it's stubborn!
Once captured, you can just Fly away
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Those glitches will supposedly be editted out of the English versions.
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