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Trainertower(battletower?) - does it give EV's?

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Well-Known Member
Do u gain EV's by figthing in the Battletower/Trainertower?


Well-Known Member
No, you don't. If you don't get exp, you don't get ev's.
No way, or else it would be way too easy to get good EVs


Well-Known Member
Nope. U dont get them from link battles either
Like everyone said, no, because if you did without gaining levels and got them all at once when you did gain a level, the stats would go up massively making it unbalanced.


Well-Known Member
kk thx guys ^^ just wasnt sure, and im glad its not like that cus then i woulda ****ed up my EV's



Furret rocks
You only get EV's if you get Exp. points, as well.


Well-Known Member
you 2.. i know :p it was pointed out to me several hours ago
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