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Training Blues


*The Water Warrior*
OK so I just started playing my emerald version again after a while, busy, and i was wondering where the best training ground would be. I want to train my Sneasel, Mew, Meganium, Feraligator, typhlosion, and a few others before diamond and pearl come out. I want them to be like lvl 100 and there all about lv. 50, so where should i train?


Hikari Trainer
If you have LG or FR trade them there and trade to Sevvi islands. If not i don't know i was a previous owner of the game and training after the E4 was hard. The E4 may be good though and the new and improved gym leaders to.

The Mighty Wurmple

Well-Known Member
SO many threads like this >.>

Just go to the Elite Four and train on them over and over again. Bring an Amulet coin or two so you can get lots of money while you're at it. You get about $80,000 for one play through with the Amulet Coin. Feraligatr can beat Drake, Meganium can beat most of Wallace's Pokemon, and the rest can team up for the others.

edit: Beaten


Well-Known Member
Go to the 2nd round FR/LG E4 and vs them over and over, but I tell you, do that when ALL your pokes are over lvl 75, if they aren't then beat the FR/LG E4 round 1 over and over, and also use an amulet coin like The Mighty Wurmple suggested XD


*The Water Warrior*
SO many threads like this >.>

Just go to the Elite Four and train on them over and over again. Bring an Amulet coin or two so you can get lots of money while you're at it. You get about $80,000 for one play through with the Amulet Coin. Feraligatr can beat Drake, Meganium can beat most of Wallace's Pokemon, and the rest can team up for the others.

edit: Beaten

Yeah i was already thinking about that, i might just use my dragonite and place exp shares on them, i dont really play my lg version.