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Translation for the (first) 2-screened Ranger pic!

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Pic link: http://www.serebii.net/ranger/pics.shtml (it's the second one on the list from top-down)

Okay, I've done an hour's hard work, and thru some translators and the Pokémon Jap->Eng name thread, I've got down the stuff that was on the top screen:

ちゅうしんに きゃぼくが そびえる. しんりんよくをする ひとも おおい.
It comes to the ちゅ う grommet and ゃ I rise. It covers also one which is improved grommet phosphorus.

Lyra り


2 pulling

Spearow (Onisuzume)

Torchic (Achamo)

And so, here ya go. I don't know what's with that weird thing where they leave in some characters being left in the translation; if someone could get a better, clearer translation, that'd be great, or if someone could tell me what's with the leaving-in-the-character thing, that'd be great, too.
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O Fortuna

Velut luna.
Damn. Here was me hoping it was a tranlsation into English... Oh well, better luck next time.


What?! It IS a translation into English! Are you just joking, talking about the pic, or are you being mean? Or is it something else? *is confused*


one love
Running Japanese text through Babelfish or a similar service doesn't count as a translation.


ライラのもり, or Raira no Mori, would be Lyra/Lyla/Laila Forest.
なかま - 2ひき probably means "number of partners: 2", just because "2 pulling doesn't make any sense."

As for "ちゅうしんに きよぼくが そびえる. しんりんよくをする ひとも おおい", romaji translation would be "Chuushin ni kyoboku ga sobieru. Shinrinyoku wo suru hito mo ooi.", but i'm not really sure what that really means.
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