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Trapped! in Cyberspace


I like cheerios.
I am kind of new to this and if it is bad, please tell me. EDIT: This fic is rated PG with 1-2 chapters to be between PG and PG-13 for violence.

Chapter 1

Prolouge: Why me?

“Why me?!” Thought Zachary Padern. “Why must I be chosen?” No one would tell him where he was or anyone of his many whys. It all started not to long ago…

As any other 13 year old boy, Zachary (Zach as he liked to be called) loved to play videogames. Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo and Atari; he had them all.

“All boys who want some ice cream come and get it!” Ever since his parents split up, Zach’s mother, Veronica, was kind of crazy. She still treated him as a little kid!

“Mom, can you just call me to get my ice cream like regular people do?” Zach really didn’t like how his mother treated him. She was approaching 40 and didn’t look it as much as she should.

“Zach, you used to love our little ways of talking,” Zach’s mother replied. “And get your hair out of your eyes.

“Mom, this is the cool way to wear it!” Zach persisted. “How will I ever become popular if you keep on pestering me about it? And you know I got tired of these talks 2 years ago.”

“Oh fine.” Mrs. Padern was getting tired of this. “Wear it how you want to if it pleases you.”

“Thanks Mom, love you.” Zach was glad to get out of that kitchen. He brought his ice cream up to his room. It was his favorite, chocolate. Maybe his mom could actually do what he wanted once in a while. “A great while,” Zach thought to himself.

Once reaching his room, the first thing that Zach did was to get out his Gamecube.

“Time to partay!” Zach was just about ready to play his favorite game, The Legend of Zelda. He had received his first Zelda game, The Ocarina of Time, at the age of 6 with his Nintendo 64. He did love the games and looks quite like Link. He was just a little bit younger.

He placed his bowl of ice cream on the shelf next to his Gamecube and began to play. Each time the Gamecube rumbled, the ice cream got nearer to falling. Eventually, Zach reached his save point.

“And, presto, savo.” Zach was pleased with the progress he had made in the game. He noticed one thing. The ice cream had fallen on the Gamecube. An error reached the screen.

“Please remove the item from the inside of the system.” Zach read off of the screen.

As Zach tried to do as the screen read, the ice cream melted into the green and wire filled programming card. “Uh-Oh,” thought Zach. “This can’t be good.”

The next thing he knew, Zach was surrounded by the same material found in that programming card. It kept going and going on for miles.

“Where am I?” Zach said aloud. Much to his amazement, his voice echoed. He must have heard it echo 6 or 7 times.

“You are in cyberspace, chosen one.” A disembodied voice answered. It seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

“Chosen one?” Zach pondered on what the voice meant. “Chosen for what? Who are you? Why am I here?”

“All of your questions will be answered in due time.” The voice answered back. “For now, you need to be off.”

“Off to where?” Zach wondered what the voice was trying to tell him. Whatever it was, Zach had no idea where he could go in this desolate place. Cyberspace as the voice called it.

“You are going to …” The voice had no time to tell the young man. Just as his questions were going to be answered, Zach was swept away from the voice and the green material.

“Where am I?” Zach was wondering what was going on.

“You’re here-a with me-a, Mario…”

As I said, I'm a first timer. It is short, yes I know. Please comment on and give advice.
Edit: The next chapters will be longer and better.
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I like cheerios.
As the boy approached the end of the first castle, he felt a sign of triumph. When the end was reached, Zach was disappointed. He realized that this area was nothing but a trap. The walls were holograms. Boom! He turned around to see...
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I like cheerios.
Chapter 1

Hey, I can not believe I wrote this today. 3.5 pages long on Word so here is

Chapter 1: Training Camp

“Who, what..” Zach was speechless. “The Mario, that plumber that keeps beating the crap out of Bowser and rescuing Peach?”

“Yep, that's me-a, Mario.” The short red man replied. This character was quite different in “real” life than what Zach thought. He had a belt with the tools of a plumber. A mustache that was shaved often and a chubby nose just sticking out of his face.

“Why am I here?” Zach had a look of puzzlement upon his face.

“You are so funny, chosen one.” Mario replied. “Pretending you don't know why you are here.”

“I don't even know where here is. I just was thrown here from 'Cyberspace'.”

“Maybe you don't know where you are.”

“Well, duh.” Zach was getting un-restless.

“First off, you are here in the Mushroom Kingdom outside my training facility.”

“Training facility? You own a training facility?”

“Well, duh.” Mario thought everyone knew this. “How do you think Luigi got almost as good as me?”

“So why am I here?”

“You are here to begin training, chosen one.”

“Training for what?” After all of this information thrown at him, Zach was beginning to understand.

“You are training to help me save Peach's sister, Daisy, from Bowser.”

“So, that's it? I have to help you beat up Bowser and save Daisy. That is why I was taken out of the comfort of my own home?”

“Your own home?” Mario had no clue what Zach was talking about. “I took you out of Cyberspace, your home town and birthplace. The place you were trained and have lived for all of your short life.”

“No, my hometown is Trenton, New Jersey. You know, the know, the New Jersey Nets.”

“That is not what the rest of the council told me. They told me you live and grew up in Cyberspace.”

“What council?” Zach hadn't yet seen this council being described to him.

“You'll find out soon enough. But for now, you need to go to the training facility.” Mario shooed him off.

The “facility” turned out to be none other than an old castle of Bowser's. With it's decaying bricks and adjacent towers, Zach knew what he was looking at.

“Hey, Mario,” Zach said., “Is this one of Bowser's castles?”

“Sure is, chosen one. We stole it from Bowser after rescuing the princess.”

“So who... Quit calling me that!” Zach hated the name, chosen one.

“That is what you are, isn't it?” Now it was Mario's turn to be puzzled. If he were the chosen one, he would love to be called that.

“Yes, I guess I am the chosen one, but please call me Zach.”

“Righty-o, Zach.”

“Okay. Now, back to what I was saying. Who will be training me? You?”

“Oh no, not me. My brother...” Mario was just finishing the sentence when a figure dressed in green leaped through the doors.

“Luigi!” The new figure exclaimed. This figure looked almost exactly like Mario. The same chubby nose, a somewhat shorter mustache and a green hat. This person didn't have a plumber's belt.

“So, you are my new teacher?” Zach was very curious.

“Yep. I'm going to train you to help my older bro.”

“Well, see you guys in 2 days.” Mario said as he left.

“2 days! You are only giving me 2 days to train in this cold, dark castle?!” Zach exclaimed.

“Trust me, that is all you will need.” Mario said with a wink and a salute.

The sun started to set behind the castle as Zach and Luigi stepped inside. This castle was filled with traps, fire pits, fire balls and flame bars.

“So, what do you and Mario have against water?” Zach laughed at his joke.

Ignoring him, Luigi announced, “Your first part of your training is to jump across each of these 5 fire pits.”

“Easy, shmeasy.” Zach said as he climbed the first one. “And away we go.” Zach took a deep, deep breath to fill his lungs. As he jumped, Zach soared across the castle air and.... PLUNK. Zach hit the wall from the next pit. He hit the “fire” only to find that it was only colored water.”Come on, I thought it was real.”

“It is real.” Luigi told him. “Really fake.”

Try as he may, the most Zach could hit all night was three consecutive jumps. He kept up his trying for three hours straight.

“Time for bed!” Luigi said.

“You sound just like my mother.” Zach said. “So, where do I sleep?”

“You get to sleep on this cot by the “fire” pits.” answered Luigi.

“C'mon, isn't there anywhere better?”

“It is this, or the floor.”

“Here's good.,” Zach tried to go to sleep. Zach couldn't get to sleep, however hard he tried. “This sleeping is wasting my time,” Zach said to himself. “I should go clear that jump.”

As he approached the jump, Zach thought to himself. “I can do it. I will clear the jump.” He cleared the first three pretty easily and approached the fourth. He knew someone, not who, was in earshot and tried to be quiet. He leaped from the fourth only to find himself covered in the red, slimy water. He tried again after leaving the liquid pit. He cleared the first three easily again. The fourth one was quite hard but pulled it off in the end. “Now, for the fifth jump.” Zach psyched himself up for his jump. He took a running start and miraculously, cleared it. That is, if you call reaching out and grabbing the ledge clearing it.

“Yes!” Zach screamed out into the open air. Before he could stop himself, he ran around dancing and shouting in triumph.

Meanwhile, in his room, Luigi caught the whole thing on the security cameras. He watched Zach clear all five jumps in Hi-Definition. “Maybe he is the chosen one.” Luigi thought to himself. “Maybe he is.”


The next day, Luigi put Zach through countless tasks.

“Okay, I did the fireball jumping and the flame bar navigation,” Zach said. “What now?”

“Now, you get to try the whole castle course. Over here.” Luigi pointed to the other side of the room. As Zach saw, there were objects from all three of the courses Zach had already completed.

“I guess I'm up for it, I hope.” Zach muttered to himself. Luigi led him to the course.

“Give it your all and go for it.” Luigi gave him words of encouragement.

Zach stepped up to the first part of the course. He jumped over the first pit to find that the fire and fireballs were real. “Yikes! I'd better be careful.” Zach thought to himself. This time, there were only three pits to jump. Next, he found the flame bars. He carefully navigated these bars only to find his shirt singed. He cleared the bars to find a bridge. “So, if I clear this bridge, push the button and come to see you, I get to sleep and leave tomorrow?”

“Uhh... sure.” Luigi replied.

“Okay, sleepy time.” Zach said as he approached the end of the bridge. He was about to push the button when out of the sky, a huge turtlish spiky being fell. “Bowser?”

“Yes, it is me, Bowser.” The being replied in an almost metallic voice. With a red head, spikes all around his body and a green shell, Zach wasn't so sure this was really Bowser.

“Luigi, is this really Bowser?” Zach was surprised to find that Luigi was no where to be found. “Okay, I guess I have to beat it up.”

Zach ran up to Bowser and started hitting him with his 13-yr old fists. He figured out he was doing no harm just as Bowser was shooting fire balls. The young boy jumped into a ditch as he smelled a horrid stench. It was the burning of his own hairs. Zach tried to remember what Mario did to beat Bowser. “Oh, I got it,” Zach thought to himself. Zach ran up to Bowser and jumped over him. To his surprise, Zach found a wire in Bowser that he unplugged. Bowser shut down. “So, Bowser really wasn't a real Koopa.” Zach thought.

As the boy approached the end of the first castle, he felt a sign of triumph. When the end was reached and the button was pushed, Zach was disappointed. He realized that this area was nothing but a trap. The walls were holograms. Boom! The floor fell in as a pitfall. He turned around to see Luigi.

“Luigi, was this your idea of a joke?” Zach was mad.

“Yeah, sure.” Luigi had a smile on his face. “Well, goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Luigi. This was a great day, as painful as it was.” Zach said as he laid down to sleep.


Word count: 2126​

There it is, my first Chapter. Please comment on.