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Traveling Across the Continent (Contestshipping,a bit of Pokeshipping, PG)


Hello Tree!
Okay, this is my first fanfiction. It's rated PG, but it might raise it to PG-13, only because I'm making this up as I go along... o_O And of course, it's a contestshippy fic, yay!(With a hint of Pokeshipping. ) Oh, and everyone's older, 'cuz I said so. (And it's easier.) Not sure if I should put a disclaimer or not either but anyways, I do not own pokemon in anyway, and if I did, there would be way more contestshippy episodes. xD Oh, and my titles for the story and chapter stink, but bare with me. I'm not creative during school, they suck all the creativity out of me. -_- Also, chapters will be rated indivdually, alot of people seem to be doing it anyways.

May: 16

Drew: 16

Ash: 17

Misty: 17

Max: 13

Brock: 20

(This information is correctly age based right? I don't pay attention to their ages. -_-;;)

Chapter 1- The Hill
Rating- PG
Pages on Word- I dunno, I don't have word. o_O Maybe 2, or a little less...Please don't hurt me!-hides and promises to start to type longer chapters-

A femine figure was atop a small hill, throwing an object. Her name was May. Her clothes seemed orange-ish(But you all know it's red.), due to the setting sun, and it's color-inflicting evil. A pink cat-like pokemon was bounding up to May, trying to reach her as fast as possible, but it wasn't easy, for the pokemon had tiny legs and a large ball in it's mouth. When it finally reached the brown-haired girl she pressed a button on something in her hand.

"Not bad, Skitty! Your speed is getting faster every time! You never know when speed can help in a contest you know!" she congragilated the little pokemon.

"Nya!" Skitty replied happily, dropping the ball. It rolled down the hill, and Skitty, seeing the moving object and suddenly fascinated by it, jumped out of the girls arms, running full speed towards the ball.

"Skitty!" she cried, but too late, Skitty was practically at the bottom of the hill, and into the woods. She groaned. May was late enough back at camp as is, and now she would end up missing supper. Brock's food was always delicious. She shook her head, and concentrated on the current problem. May started running down the hill, and before she knew it, she had lost her footing and was now rolling down the hill.

"Ahhh!!!" she screamed, and rolled through the bushes into the woods.

"Oww...headache..." she said, sitting up and looking around. Right in front of her was her hyper pink pokemon.

"Nya!" Skitty mewed proudly through the big red ball in her mouth.

"Skitty, would you stop running off?" May pleaded as she picked up the pokemon.

"Maybe it wanted to find a better trainer," came a fimilar voice.

"I know those witty remarks anywhere, Drew!" May emphasized his name.

"Oh no, you caught me red-handed." he mocked as he stepped out from behind a tree. Drew was pretty much the same in appearance, except he wasn't as short.

'Crap, I can't make comebacks about his height anymore...' May thought, disappointed.

"So, uh, what are you doing here anyways?" May asked him, her voice full of curiousity.

"Not like it's any of your business, but I'm going to a contest in the next town." Drew replied in one of those annoying tones of his.

"Oh..." May said, but then started to realize that was the one she was training for, and she was supposed to be back at the campsite with Max, Ash, Misty, and Brock. "Oh no! I need to get back now!" May said, worriedly.

"Nya," meowed her forgotton Skitty. She had also realized she put Skitty down somewhere in the conversation. She quickly picked Skitty back up, as well as the ball, and started running off.

She stopped and turned around suddenly, waving at Drew. "See you at the contest Drew!" she said, before dashing off again.

"Okay...that was a weird encounter..." Drew muttered to himself before walking out of the woods towards the oppisite direction May went.

May had arrived back at the campsite, exsasted from running. Everyone at camp looked at her, confused.

"Why in the world do you look like you just run a marathon?" Misty asked curiously.

And thus began the summerized version of what happened. "Well, I was training Skitty, and she was doing really good. Then, I was praising her and the ball started to roll down the hill. Skitty, imediattly seeing this, jumped out of my arms, and ran after it. I followed her down the hill, and lost my footing, rolled down the hill and into the woods. I quickly found Skitty right in front of me, and then I scolded her, and then all of a sudden I hear Drew's voice-"

May was cut off by Max.

"Wait, wait. You saw Drew? What was he doing?" He asked, wanting to know more, but had stupidly intturupted.

"Well, if you let me finish, then you'll know!" May said angrly, and Max ran into his tent, screaming his head off in fear.

"Anyways, to continue before I was so RUDLY intterupted..." She said, casting an evil glare at Max, who stuck his head back in the tent. "Where was I? Oh yeah, Drew had made one of his annoying comments again, and I instantly knew who he was. He was so much taller too, which stinks so I can't make fun of his height anymore...but back on topic. I asked him where he was going, and he said to the contest in the next town over, you know the one I'm going to? And then I remembered I had to come back here, so I ran here like no tomorrow, and then you asked me why I looked like I ran a marathon. Then I had to explain to everyone, and then-"

She was cut off again, but this time by the whole group.

"All right we get it!" they all shouted.

"Okay, okay...I'm hungry..." May whined.

Everyone sweat dropped.

"I haven't even started cooking May..." Brock stated.

"Oh...well hurry up!" May said, and pushed Brock over to the cooking pot and handing him some utensils.

Misty and Ash fell over, anime-style.

Meanwhile, with Drew...

"Oh great, why do I have the feeling May and her gang are stalking me...they're always where I am. Or maybe, I'm always where they are...you know what, this is confusing." Drew said, abandoning this weird conversation with his Roselia.

"Row,Row," Roselia said.

"Guess your right, come-on, lets train some more." Drew said, heading towards the door.

"Rose!" Roselia said, following happily.


Okay, well, not as Contestshippy in this chapter, but all well. It will get better. It's not that long either, I'll try typing longer chapters too. o_O Notice the humor here people! Well, tell me if you liked it, critisize me, and point out mistakes, thanks!

Also, the meeting up in the woods thing seems fimiliar to me for some reason, I must have read something like that, all well. (Or I could be having Deja-Vu, I've been having that latley. O_O;;)

I also will have a PM list! =3 Remember, review!
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Wear was I? Oh yeah, Drew had made one of his annoying comments again, and I instantly knew who he was.

Where was I?

He was so much taller too, which stinks so I can't make fun of his height anymore...but back on topic. I asked him where he was going, and he said to the contest in the next town over, you know the one I'm going to? And then I remembered I had to come back here, so I ran here like no tomorrow, and then you asked me why I looked like I ran a marathon. Then I had to explain to everyone, and then-"

She was cut off again, but this time by the whole group.

"All right we get it!" they all shouted.

XD lolz!

"Oh great, why do I have the feeling May and her gang are stalking me...their always where I am. Or maybe, I'm always where they are...you know what, this is confusing." Drew said, abandoning this weird conversation with his Roselia.

should be "they're always where I am"

anyways, those were just some grammar errors I saw.
love the plot so far.

and a lot of fics have them meeting in the woods. lolz.

and a lot of humour too. lol. May teasing Drew about his height? lolz.

anyways, plz put me on your PM List!


An old PS luva!
Great first chapter and looking forward to the next bit!

Loving the bit about the height and even more so when May was explaining to the others what had happened, plus shoving the cooking utensils at him, wonderful!

Just one thing...
Meanwhile, with Drew...

"Oh great, why do I have the feeling May and her gang are stalking me...they're always where I am. Or maybe, I'm always where they are...you know what, this is confusing." Drew said, abandoning this weird conversation with his Roselia.

"Row,Row," Roselia said.

"Guess your right, come-on, lets train some more." Drew said, heading towards the door.

"Rose!" Roselia said, following happily!

Where exactly were they? or was there a random door in the woods o_O


Hello Tree!
Okay, time for chapter two!
Oh and Esperon, they are camping out as well. xD Just somewhere else in the woods.

Chapter 2- Pyro-maniac (Part 1)
Rated- PG
Pages on Word- Once again, I have no idea. -_-;

The gang had woke up early, so they could arrive in at the contest in time.

"May, you ate like a Snorlax yesterday!" Max teased and started laughing.

"That's the 13th time-" May started, but of course, was cut off.

"14th!" said Ash, with a stupid grin.

"Gah!Who's counting?!" May yelled.

"Him apprently..." Misty said, glaring at Ash evilly, who immediatly shut up.

Brock and Pikachu were at the back, obviously trying to avoid this daily ritual of arguing.

"Can't you guys go any faster?" May asked, still annoyed. Max had already retreated behind Brock.

"She is really scary..." Max muttered.

"Yeah, that's one girl I am so not going to go after, and plus, she has someone." Brock had whispered the last part.

"Oh...yeah..." Max said, because it suddenly hit him. Drew

May was now running ahead of the group, her mood changed from angry to excited.

"Come on, you Slowpokes!" May laughed, and ran faster, and into the town at that.

"I want to know how she can change moods like that..." Ash said in sudden amazment.

"It's a girl thing, called mood swings." Misty simply answered, and pulled Ash into a full run towards where ever May went.

They had all entered town, and Pikachu was on Ash's shoulder, like usual.

"Pika..." Pikachu drooled as it immediatly spotted a hot dog stand. Looks like Pikachu's trainer really influenced it.

"Food!" Ash screamed in joy, and immediatly ran over to the stand. He returned with 3 hot dogs in his hand, and Pikachu with 2.

"Come on guys!" May said, popping back in out of nowhere. She was pointing towards a large sign that said 'Contest Hall'. Ash and Pikachu was running for there lives, because they wouldn't move without eating, so Misty had took out 'The Mallet'.

"Ahh!!!" they both screamed, and ran towards the hall, while the others were following calmly.

When they finally entered the contest hall, May had quickly regestered, and was now waiting. While waiting, she looked for one person.


She hadn't seen him yet.

"Now it's time for number 12, Drew!" the female announcer said, excitedly.

Drew walked on the stage.

"Oh...there he is." May said, looking at the Tv screen.

"Come on out Flygon!" Drew said enthusiastically, sending out the Sand Dragon pokemon.

"Wow, since when does Drew use Flygon for appeals?" May wondered outloud to herself, but quietly.

"Flygon, use Sandstorm!" Drew commanded.

"Fly!" the green pokemon obeyed, and whipped up a Sandstorm.

"Now fly in the middle of it, and use Hyper Beam, and point it up!" Drew finished up.

Flygon fly into it, as ordered, and pointed it's head towards the ceiling, and released a orange and yellow Hyper Beam.

The sandstorn quickly dispersed, leaving the Hyper Beam visible.

"Wow, what an amazing performance by Drew!" the announcer said. "Now what do are judges think?" she asked,

looking towards the judges.

The first judge, Nurse Joy, answered "That was quite an amazing performance!" and a 9.3 popped onto her screen.

"Remarkable!" answered the second judge(I don't remember his name...) and a 9.4 was on his screen.

"Your Flygon is very graceful!" the third judge concluded(Or his), and another 9.3 popped onto the screen.

"And that's a total of 28 points, putting Drew in the lead!" the announcer stated happily, and Drew left the stage.

May was eagerly awaiting Drew to arrive back.

"Since when do you use Flygon in appeals?" May asked Drew as soon as he walked in.

"Oh, hi May." He said before giving his answer. "Well, I thought it would be more interesting." he simply stated.

"Oh, okay." May said.

"Would number thirteen, May, Please come to the stage?" The announcer asked.

"See you after Drew!" May said, and started towards the stage. She was suddenly stopped by him though.

"Hey, do your best, okay?" he asked, and shoved a rose in her face.

"O-Okay" May stuttered, taking the rose and sniffing it before putting it in her fanny pack.

Drew had already walked off towards the Tv, and May entered the stage, full of confidence. She looked around to find her friends in the stands first. She saw Misty hovering over Ash threatingly with her mallet, Ash and Pikachu scared out of their wits. Max and Brock were sitting a few feet away, like everyone else in the stands. May laughed in her head.

"Okay Skitty, lets go!" May called. The little pink pokemon popped out of it's pokeball in a red light.

"Nya!" it mewed, ready for it's tasks.

"Okay Skitty! Use Assist!" May called.

Skitty jumped up, and it's left paw turned blue, and released a bubble attack, from Squirtle.

"Skittys' assist turns into Bubble!" The announcer called, as bubbles swirled around the stage.

"Perfect! Okay Skitty use Blizzard!" May commanded.

"Nya! Nya!" Skitty meowed, and out of it's mouth came Blizzard, which froze the bubbles.

"Now! Finish it up with Doubleslap!" May called the final order.

Skitty did as told, but first juggled three of the crystal balls before shattering them, and the rest of the frozen bubbles, with Doubleslap. The stage was sparkling like no tomorrow, and the audience cheered.

"Another amazing performance by May!" the announcer declared, and looked to the judges expectantly.

"I agree. Excellent job!" Nurse Joy said, and a 9.2 popped onto her screen.

"Remarkable!" the second judge said, of course that's what he always said. 9.3 was her score from him.

"That was stunning and beautiful!" the third judge said, and gave May a 9.3 as well.

"And May ends with a score of 27.8!" the announcer said.

May walked off-stage. Their were two more performances until the battling portion. She walked into the room, and sat down, waiting once more. Drew had walked over to join her.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked politly. At least he wasn't throwing around one of his rude remarks all the time.

"Uh, sure," May said, blushing slightly.

"That was really good May," he said, smirking. "Better than usual, that is."

"Why you-!" May started angrily. There he went again. Making fun of May.

"And would the final entrant, Rick, please come up on the stage?" the announcer asked.

"Wow, we missed the whole 14th entry's appeal..." May said, as she turned her focus towards the little Tv again. Drew did the same.

A blond spiky-haired guy walked onto the stage. He wore a leather jacket and some jeans that were ripped towards the bottom. He also had many scars covering his arms and face.

"Go Houndoom!" Rick said fiercly. The Houndoom's eyes seemed to be full red.

'I don't like him already...he seems suspicious...' Drew thought, his concern rising.

"Okay Houndoom, use Flamethrower, then Crunch!" he commanded.

The Houndoom released a scorching hot fire from its mouth, and quickly used Crunch, biting it into sections.

"Now, use Slash!" Rick finished off.

The red-eyed Houndoom used Slash cutting the sections of fire into smaller ones, before they dispersed. It proudly stalked back over to Rick, while he was petting it, grinning evilly.

'Skip that, I really don't like him...' Drew thought, fixing his previous one.

Rick had already left the stage, and Drew realized he missed his score.

"Wow, he got a score of 28.3 Drew! He's good..." May said, worried.

'So that's his score...' Drew thought again.

"Okay, now let's see who's made it, and who is facing who!" the announcer said, and 4 people popped on the screen.

They were Rick, Drew, May, and someone else called Zach. Then they scrambled. They came out to Rick vs May and Drew vs Zach.

Now Drew was real worried, what will happen to May? He was afraid that this person might be as bad as someone else they used to know, and try to hurt her...


I decided to stop here, I think it's an appropiate cliff-hanger. If it's even one. Get ready for what happens in the next chapter!
And look! It's a long Chapter! Yay! Remember to review! (Because notepad does not have spell check. xD;;)
Oh, by the way, Zach is my brother's name.
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Don't leave me!
Damn the cliffys! :D Drew's paranoid. And he has shown classic signs of Contestshipping-itus. XD Also, you can't post 2 chappies in a day. Not to mini-mod or anything. I just pick up these things. *Points at Mudkip Kitteh* ...But it's a good start on a good fic and can I please be added to the good PM list of this good fic...um...goodly? ...Wait, goodly isn't a word...ah, wellz!


nozzzzzzzzz you must update soon... just soon enough that it's allowed. lol.
anyways, wowz..... Drew is acting awfully nice and concerned. lol.
yeshhhhhhh down with rick! hope may beats him! but hey. it's a contest. anything can happen. lol.
and dang these cliffhangers. and i agree with flygonrulz. Drew is paranoid, but that's good. gahahahahaha!!!!!
and ROSES!!! YAYZ!
lolz. anyways, looking forward to the next chapter!

Haruka Kinomiya

Well-Known Member
Wah, nice ficy! I noticed some mistakes in both chapter one and two.

Chapter one: "Not bad, Skitty! Your speed is getting faster every time! You never know when speed can help in a contest you know!" she congragilated the little pokemon.

It's supposed to be congradulated I think. (ish no good at spelling)

chapter two: I don't exactly remember where and I can't find it, but somewhere in this cahpter you used their instead of there. Oh and Mr.Contesta is the name of one of the judges.

May I be on your pm list?


Hello Tree!
Sure Haruka! And yeah, I knew I spelled that wrong, but notepad doesn't have spell check. xD
Also, I would put a spoiler in, but it would spoil way to much. The title of the second Chapter gives a hint though. -covers mouth and does shifty eyes-

PM List
Haruka Kinomiya


Well-Known Member
hmm interesting! I like this fic... I really like reading new fics from time to time.. ^^ the rose part was so shippy!! I loved it!!
and by the way... I've noticed this

"Would number thirteen, May, Please come to the stage?" The announcer asked.

"See you after Drew!" May said, and started towards the stage. She was suddenly stopped by him though.

I think It should be "See you later" ... well that's all I've find, apart from the door in the woods that Esperon said.. hahaha too lazy to look for more mistakes xD
And I don't think it's necessary to type that you don't know the pages in word o_O

^^ update soon


Hello Tree!
hmm interesting! I like this fic... I really like reading new fics from time to time.. ^^ the rose part was so shippy!! I loved it!!
and by the way... I've noticed this

"Would number thirteen, May, Please come to the stage?" The announcer asked.

"See you after Drew!" May said, and started towards the stage. She was suddenly stopped by him though.

I think It should be "See you later" ... well that's all I've find, apart from the door in the woods that Esperon said.. hahaha too lazy to look for more mistakes xD
And I don't think it's necessary to type that you don't know the pages in word o_O

^^ update soon

I did the see you after thing on purpose. See you later made it sound like she was going to be back in 3 hours or something. I think I'll stop putting pages on word then. I think each chapter is well over 1, probably 5. xD

I feel so popular! -squeals-

And okay, I'll try. -Hasn't even started typing-


Serial Fangirl
Wow! This is great Raine-Kou! I <3 stories about the adventure and travels! Contestshipping is also a favourite of mine because I love to write/read about arrogance! I'm not a fan of Pokeshipping but heck, this is just great!

Can I be on the PM list? This is one of my favourite stories :).


Hello Tree!
Okay, ready for Chapter three? Well here it is! =3 Oh, and Drew and Zach battle first, it's easier for me. I had major writers block when I was thinking on how to get to certian points too. -_-;;

~*PM List*~
Haruka Kinomiya

Chapter Three- Pyro-maniac (Part 2)
Rated- PG

"Time for the first battle, Drew vs Zach!" the announcer called after about five minutes.

"Good luck Drew!" May said as Drew left the room. Drew smirked, and walked onto the stage/battlefield.

"Remember, you only have a five minute time limit, and the co-ordinater with the highest amount of points left wins!

Now, begin!" the announcer called.

"Go, Roselia!" Drew called. The green rose-like pokemon popped out, and they both awaited what Zach's pokemon would be.

"Go Squirtle!" Zach said as he threw the pokeball. The light-blue turtle stood up, and struck a battle pose.

"I have a clear advantage you know..." Drew muttered.

"I like challenges," Zach sneered, and called his first attack. "Squirtle, Skull Bash!"

Drew quickly got back into focus, and called, "Roselia dodge quickly! Then use Petal Dance!" Roselia obeyed, and

quickly leaped above and over the Squirtle, and then used Petal Dance, sending swirling pink petals towards Squirtle.

"Withdraw!" Zach commanded quickly. The turtle quickly regained composure and pulled itself in it's shell, cutting back on the number of points it would of lost. Drew's bar was at about 95%, and Zach's was now about 80%. This was going to be a long battle...

May was watching the Tv, intently waiting for the battle to finish. After about 3 more minutes, and a few more commands from each of the trainers, Drew came out victorious.
"Drew, you won!" May exclaimed happily when he had come back.

"Well, yeah, don't I always?" he smirked and flipped his hair.

May started to get angry at this, but was inturuptted by the announcer calling Rick and herself to the stage.

"Be careful, okay?" Drew had said suddenly. May was merely confused.

Why do I have to be careful? Well, at least he cares... May thought.

May and Rick were on the stage now. May had looked back at the stands to see if her friends were still the exsact same way. Yep. May sweat-dropped, and turned her attention back towards the field.

"Same rules apply, okay? Begin!" the announcer said, obviously tired of repeating the rules every single round.

"Go Houndoom!" Rick called feircly. It was that same Houndoom from the appeal round. It's red eyes gave May the creeps.

"Go Skitty!" May said as the pink cat popped out of the pokeball.

"Nya! Nya!" It mewed excitedly, but with a hint of fear. Seemed like it didn't like that Houndoom either.

"Skitty, use Blizzard quickly!" May called, for she just wanted to end this battle quickly. And little did she know, so did Drew.

"Houndoom, Shadow Ball!" Rick demanded, and the Houndoom shot a pitch-black ball with purple lightning at the Blizzard attack. It cut right through the Blizzard attack, and hit Skitty, sending it backwards in surprise.

"Oh, looks like May is going to lose some points on that one!" the announcer said as May's bar went down quite a bit.

"Oh no! Skitty! Can you get up?" May asked with a worried tone.

"Nya!" Skitty meowed in a determined voice, as it shook off the last attack.

"Okay then, Skitty get up close to Houndoom!" May ordered Skitty. Skitty followed the order's and got up as close as possible. "Now, use Doubleslap!" Skitty jumped up, and was about ready to hit Houndoom.

"Houndoom! Crunch!" Rick demanded, and Houndoom of course, followed, with it's own evil grin. It bit down on Skitty's tail and held on to it. Skitty despiratly started to 'claw' at Houndoom's muzzle.

"Now, toss it!" Rick finished his command. Houndoom flung it back towards May, and she lost more points.

"Ah! Skitty, please get up!" May said, tring to get her Skitty to get up.

"Nya," it meowed, before slowly getting back up.

"Assist!" May quickly called.

"Nya!" Skitty meowed again, as it released a water gun attack.

"Houndoom, Flamethrower!" Rick merely ordered. Houndoom opened it's jaws, and released the searing hot flames. The two attacks clashed, and were equal.

"Turn it up a notch!" Rick called, and Houndoom turned it up, but way more than a notch. It literally blasted through the Water Gun, and sent May and Skitty of the stage, and also catching pretty much the rest of the stage on fire. Rick was laughing evilly. Everyone in the stands were fleeing, as well as the gang, thinking May was already up and running.

Drew wasn't in the room long after the Houndoom had launched it's attack, and was already going towards the stage to get May. Now the contest hall was really on fire, while Rick and his Houndoom had already retreated as well, laughing, as his plan had succeeded.

"May!" Drew called fantically through tthe flames and smoke.

"Over here!" May cried despiratly. Things started to fall from the ceiling, making it dangerous to reach her.

"Go Masqurain!(I don't remember how to spell it...)" Drew called as the water/bug pokemon came out of it's ball. Immediatly aware of the situation, it released multiple Water Gun's to clear a way. May was surrounded by fire, panicking, with a fainted Skitty in her arms. The blue pokemon shot another Water gun to clear a path for Drew to reach May. He already had some minor burns, and he could tell May's were worse when he got up closer. Drew helped her up, and they started to run, trying to avoid any falling debree, but sadly, they couldn't avoid it all.

"Oh no! A dead end!" May cried.

"Uh, come on! This way!" Drew yelled as he pulled May towards the opposite direction. Flaming debree fell in front them, so he pulled her another way, but more fell. Pretty soon they were trapped.

"I don't want to die young!" May cried as she clung to Drew.

"We are not going to die!" Drew yelled, trying to, in a sense, calm her. Of course, that didn't work. "Wait, I got an idea!" Drew said, and pulled out a pokeball. He released the pokemon inside, but not before quickly returning Masqurain.

"Fly!" it cried. It was Flygon.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about Flygon!" May said happily, bacause she knew she was going to live now.

"Hop on!" Drew called, as he was already mounted on the Green Dragon's back. May returned Skitty, and jumped up onto Flygon's back as well. "Now you might want to hold on as well," Drew smirked.

"Wh-Ah!!!" she screamed as Flygon lifted up from the ground and started trying to find a way out. May was now clinging onto Drews waist, and her face buried in his back, in fear of course. Drew couldn't help but smiling a bit.

"Up!" Drew said suddenly. Their was a thin layer of wood right where he directed.

"Wait a minute, you intend to go through the ceiling?!" May screamed as Flygon started to dart up. It broke through with ease, careful not to have its riders to get hurt from impact. They were already burned enough.

Flygon quickly flew over the burning Contest Hall. May had looked down to see.

"Wow, that was scary..." May said, she was this close to not making it.

It would have been scarier losing you... Drew thought, he would probably never have the courage to say it outloud.

"Flygon, bring us down," Drew said, and Flygon started to fly towards the ground. When they landed, Drew jumped off, and helped May get off.

Before they could settle down, Drew's fangirl's had all come over to him, and started saying how brave he was to rescue someone, and blah blah blah.

Ash and the gang had run over towards May, and Max was the first one who reached her.

"May, don't worry me like that again? Okay?" Max sniffled, even though he was 13, he could still be worried about his bigger sister.

"We swear, we thought you were out already..." Misty tried to explain.

"It's okay, I'm fine thanks to Drew. Speaking of which..." May stopped and went over towards the crowd of fangirls, and managed to pull Drew out of there. The fangirls gave up, and stalked off.

"Thanks, May." Drew said, relieved to be away from his stalkers.

"No, thank you Drew. You saved me..." May said, looking down.

"Oh...well...um. You know, you should get those burns checked..." Drew said, unaware of what else to say.

"Oh, you too Drew," May said, now looking up.

"Well then, let's go. But you had better go get your friends," Drew smirked.

"Okay!" May said happily, before going to get her friends.

Drew walked back over to Flygon. "Thanks Flygon, you were a big help," he said before returning the pokemon. May came bounding back over with Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Max, and Brock.

"Okay Drew, we can go now," May stated.

"Urm, okay then," Drew said, he never really liked being a group, but he followed them anyways, keeping his eyes on May. When they had reached the Hospital(Or Pokemon Center, but I don't think they treat humans, do they?) the doctor had said they had Third degree burns.

"Ow..." Ash said, because he had that before. It really hurts to poke it, and when you go swimming your skin felt num, and then it peels...(How do I know? Because I had it. T_T)

The funny part was that both Drew and May were red all over, except where their clothes were, at least, that's what they each claimed.


Don't you hate it when that happens? You get burns all over, except where your bathing suit was. xD

Okay, first off, why a Squirtle? Well, I asked my brother what pokemon he would battle with, and this is what he said. xD Zach's attitude is totally based off my brother as well.

Oh, and ignore the laziness in Drew's battle, I didn't really want to have to do the whole thing.
Doing the fire part was really hard too, but this seemed to pretty much type itself. Ah, the enthusiasim. xD

Now, off to Pm People! Review!

Well did you like it? Review please.


An old PS luva!
SQUEEEEEEEEEE major shippyness!!!! *goes mad* Fabby ficcy you got here cept I think that fire spred pretty quickly...but that was needed!

Best bits are Drew's thoughts and when she had to "Hold on!" squeee!

Oh yeah, please add me to PM list, thankies!


It would have been scarier losing you... Drew thought, he would probably never have the courage to say it outloud.


love the fan girls too... lolz. poor drew! he has burns! leave him alone!!!!!
*shifty eyes* *pounces on drew as well*

now....... what will happen to RICK!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!

sorry. i'm high. lolz.

can't wait to see the next chappie!


Hello Tree!

love the fan girls too... lolz. poor drew! he has burns! leave him alone!!!!!
*shifty eyes* *pounces on drew as well*

now....... what will happen to RICK!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!

sorry. i'm high. lolz.

can't wait to see the next chappie!

Rick comes back later, so you all know. -reads newspaper sucpiciously-


Hello Tree!
On to Chapter four People! I can't believe I'm actually somewhat popular now! -^_^- Oh, and by the way, it's late Fall(Pretty much Winter), though it didn't seem like it with the fire huh?
I would have had this up sooner, but I had loads of homework. T_T

Chapter Four- What to do on a Cold Day
Rated- PG

Drew and May have had to put a lotion on for the past couple of days, and were staying at a hotel, because Drew refused to stay at a Pokemon Center.

"How much longer do we have to use this stuff? It smells weird," May complained.

"Er, for another three days." Drew said, counting with his fingers.

"Why?!" May whined further. Drew smacked his hand againest his forehead.

"You know, they are really cute when they argue." Misty said from a distance. Ash was with her.

"Yep. You know I bet you they say the same thing with us," Ash pointed out.

"Most likely," Misty concluded, and both she and Ash walked off.

Meanwhile, Drew and May were still bickering about some unknown thing.

"Fine!" May and Drew both yelled and turned, back-to-back, to each other. They had managed to stay like that for a few minutes, but with them, silence never lasted long.

"It got really cold all of a sudden, you know," May stated.

"Um, yeah, no duh. It's like, almost winter, you know December? Winter, cold, blizzards-" Drew said.

"I'm not stupid you know!" May yelled.

"Well you sure act like it!" Drew yelled back. Then it got all quite-like again.

"I despise silence..." May muttered. Drew turned his head towards the window, and his eyes widened.

"Hello? Drew?" May said, waving a head in front of his face. Drew smiled, and was about to say something too, until Max burst in the room.

"Hey guys! Come outside,there's snow!" Max said excitedly, and ran back out the door, and back into the snow.

"Hey, that was I was about to say!" Drew exclaimed, and grabbed a green coat from the rack, quickly put it on, and started running out the door after Max.

"Wait up!" May yelled, and grabbed a red coat with a feathery collar. She slipped it on, and followed after them. Outside was beautiful. A thick layer of snow had blanketed the ground, and it was pure and untouched, that is, until Max and Drew burst through. They instantly killed the scene, and the snow was already being packed into snowballs and forts by Max and Drew. Then something cold hit her.

"Owie, cold, contact, face," May whined and looked over to see the two boys laughing their heads off. She stormed over to them and growled, "Okay, which one of you did it?" The two boys ceased laughing, gulped, and pointed at eachother.

"He did it!" they both yelled. She was about to hit both of them upside the head, but Ash, Misty, and Brock had come out, all surprised by the sudden snowfall, that apparently must have happened overnight.

"You got lucky this time, but don't expect a break next time," May growled meningly, and the two boys nodded, and ran off to continue to fight.

Drew is so childish sometimes... May thought sub-conciously. Ash, Misty, and Brock had joined in attacking Drew with snowballs.

"Ha-ha!" May laughed as he got pelted by multiple snowballs.

"Shut u-" Drew started, but was cut off by another snowball, and fell over.

May had gone over to Drew tosee if he was alright, because he didn't move.

"Gotcha!" Drew surprised May and dragged her down into the snow.

"Ah! Drew! The snow is cold!" May exclaimed, and hopped back up, trying to get the snow out of her jacket. Her brother and other three friends were laughing, and then Max threw a snowball at Brock. Brock then threw a snowball at Max, but it missed and hit Misty. She was enraged, and chucked multiple snowballs everywhere at once.

"Eep!" everyone screamed and hid behind a fort. Pooy May hadn't hid one, and dove behind Drew's fort.

"Out!" Drew said, pushing her back into the rain of fire.

"No!" May said, and scurried back with him.

Drew, not wanting to start a never ending argument, said, "Hey, wanna ditch them and go off into the woods or something?"

"Sounds better than staying here!" May said, and followed Drew in a sneaky fasion, as they crept past the firey wrath of Misty, and into the woods.

"Wow, it's pretty in here," May said as she stared at all the snow covered pine trees.

Your way more beautiful than anything in these woods... Drew once again knew he would probably never be able to say it personally.

"Why are you staring at me Drew?" May asked confused.

"Oh, no reason," Drew simply stated. Darn my Sub-concious mind...

"Oh, okay," May said. "Hey, how far are we going to go?"

"I dunno, when ever you want to go back tell me." Drew said and shrugged.

"Oh, okay, well I don't want to go back right now, I still wanna explore," May said.

"Well, the best place to explore is probably that hillside," Drew said, pointing towards a steep, snow covered hill.

"Then let's go!" May said excitedly, and started pulling Drew up the hill.

"You know, you might want to be quieter, an avalance could start." Drew whispered.

"Oh," May simply stated, and kept running, until she was most likely at the middle of the mountain.

As she went up, she saw many pokemon. Aipom, a sleeping Hoothoot, and even a Whismur every now and then.
But then it hit her, if there were Whismur, there were most likely to be Loudred and Exploud.

"Oh crap..." May muttered.

"What?" Drew looked at her, obviously confused.

"I just realized, if there are Whismur here, than there are bound to be Loudred and Exploud, which could cause some trouble..." May explained.

"Oh my god, May realized something before I did!" Drew said.

"Dreeeeew!!!" May said angriely.

"What? I'm just kidding May, geesh," Drew stated cooly.

"Grr..." May growled, and gave up on her anger at him. Actually, she could never stay angry at him for long. She never really knew why, or why she could tolerate him.

"Loud?" a confused look came from a creature who was sleeping in some bushes. "Loud!" it said, and jumped out of the bushes, and went over to May and Drew angrily.

They both stopped arguing, and stared at the Loudred, looks of horror smeared across both of their faces.

"No,no,no!" May said quickly, making motions with her hands, telling the Loudred not to, and Drew joined her.

"LOUDRED!" it screamed.

It was too late now, and May and Drew started running, as the sound of something large hurtling toward them came closer. And of course, they knew what it was, an avalance.

"Find a cave or something!" May yelled over the loud roar of the whole trees snapping.

"Why?" Drew asked while running.

"I've seen it in movies, just look for one!" She continued to yell. Soon enough, Drew had spotted one, and grabbed May and dragged her into it.

As they entered the cave, they breathed a quick sigh if relief, before the opening was covered up by lots of snow. Now, any day, May would have had released Combustken to rid of the snow, but sadly, she and Drew had left their pokemon at the hotel.

"This is great, just great," Drew said sarcastically.

"It's better than dying," May pointed out.

"Whatever," Drew said. They stayed silent for a few moments, and then looked around. The cave was in a sense lit, because some sunlight entered from holes above. There were icey stalactmites and stalagemites in the cave as well.

"I-It's real-lly c-cold i-in h-here," May said, rubbing her arms to try and create some more body heat for herself.

"No duh," Drew said, he hated to admit it, but he was cold as well. "You know, we could share our body heat by, um, well, hugging?" he stuttered.

May wasn't about to argue with this concept.

"W-works for me!" She said, as she practically jumped over to Drew and hugged him tightly. It took awhile, but he managed to hug her as well, and tried to hide a small blush.

"Now what are we going to do?" May asked.

"I dunno, just hope that the gang finds us..." he stated.

Meanwhile, the gang was wondering where in the world May and Drew were...

Max exited the hotel, a worried look across his face.

"There not in their room(Yes, room, they shared a room.) either! And their pokemon are still here," Max said.

"Then where in the world are they?" Brock wondered.

"Hey look! Footprints!" Ash pointed to a set of footprints that led into the snowy woods.

"Let's follow them, then!" Max said, tugging Ash's and Misty's sleeves so they could follow the prints in the snow. It took awhile, and when the trail ended, a look of horror went across everyone's face. Tree's, rocks, and other wood debree was everywhere.

"Oh no, there must have been an avalance!" Misty said worriedly.

"I would think their still alive, May watches the Discovery Channel a lot, and I suppose she would know what to do..." Max stated with a bit of hope in his voice.

"I really hope your right," Brock said, as they tried to trudge through the deep snow, towards the cave where May and Drew resided.

And once again, back with May and Drew.

"I don't think I can take waiting in here much longer. If I ever get home, me and you are going to have hot chocolate, and that's final!" May blurted suddenly.

"Okay..." Drew didn't argue, hot chocolate sounded real good about now. It got all quiet-like again.

They were still hugging, and they were starting to get comfortable like that, to the point where May had rested her head on Drew's shoulder.

"May, whatever you do, don't fall asleep, okay?" Drew said quietly.

"Okay..." May said disappointed, but remembered sometimes, in the cold, you can die in your sleep, and it was pretty cold in the cave. Suddenly, May perked up, because she thought she heard something.

"Did you hear it too?" Drew asked May.

"Yeah, it sounds like someone's calling our names..." May said.

The voices got closer and they could now clearly tell they were calling things like 'May! Drew! Where are you?'

"Hey, you know, that sounded like Max, wait, that is Max!" May exclaimed, and went over to the snow covered entrance, with Drew behind her.

"Over in here!" May called frantically.

Outside, Max and the gang thought they heard something coming from the cave.

"In there!" Brock said, and went over to the cave entrance.

"Hey, are you guys in there!?" Brock called.

"Yeah!" both May and Drew said at the same time.

"Okay Max, go ahead," Misty said.

"Okay!" Max said, and grabbed a pokeball from his belt. "Go Flareon!" He called. A red fox(and cat)-like pokemon popped out.

"Flare!" Flareon said.

"Okay guys, backup!" Max said, and May and Drew on the inside got away from the entrance. "Now, Flamethrower!" Max told his Flareon. The pokemon obeys, and a streak of hot flame emitted from it's mouth, melting the snow in the way.

"Yay! Freedom!" May called, and ran outside, only to be greeted by a hug from her little brother. Drew followed calmly behind. They explained what happened on the way back as well.

"You promised hot chocolate," Drew teased as soon as they arrived back at the hotel.

"Oh yeah!" May said cheerfully, before quickly grabbing some of the hotels hot chocolate packets, and boiled some water.

"How many packets of powder?" May asked Drew, because she was not sure if he wanted one or two.

"Um, one please, I wish to sleep tonight, not bounce off the walls, thank you," Drew smirked.

"Have it your way," May said and dumped one packet in his, two in hers, stirred it, and served it.

She sipped hers, and five senconds later, yelled "Hot! Hot!" with her toungue hanging out, and running around the room. She settled down after about a minute of this.

"Are you done?" Drew asked, apprently amuzed.

"Think so," she replied, and again tried sipping it, and it was bearable this time. Drew strted to drink his as well, actually, he gulped it down, and then hopped onto his bed. It was late anyways. May finished hers, and plopped down on he bed as well.

"Night Drew," May said.

"Night..." Drew replied, before he quickly fell asleep, and May turned off the lights.


Well? Did you like it?
