Okay, this is my first fanfiction. It's rated PG, but it might raise it to PG-13, only because I'm making this up as I go along...
And of course, it's a contestshippy fic, yay!(With a hint of Pokeshipping. ) Oh, and everyone's older, 'cuz I said so. (And it's easier.) Not sure if I should put a disclaimer or not either but anyways, I do not own pokemon in anyway, and if I did, there would be way more contestshippy episodes. xD Oh, and my titles for the story and chapter stink, but bare with me. I'm not creative during school, they suck all the creativity out of me. -_- Also, chapters will be rated indivdually, alot of people seem to be doing it anyways.
May: 16
Drew: 16
Ash: 17
Misty: 17
Max: 13
Brock: 20
(This information is correctly age based right? I don't pay attention to their ages. -_-;
Chapter 1- The Hill
Rating- PG
Pages on Word- I dunno, I don't have word.
Maybe 2, or a little less...Please don't hurt me!-hides and promises to start to type longer chapters-
A femine figure was atop a small hill, throwing an object. Her name was May. Her clothes seemed orange-ish(But you all know it's red.), due to the setting sun, and it's color-inflicting evil. A pink cat-like pokemon was bounding up to May, trying to reach her as fast as possible, but it wasn't easy, for the pokemon had tiny legs and a large ball in it's mouth. When it finally reached the brown-haired girl she pressed a button on something in her hand.
"Not bad, Skitty! Your speed is getting faster every time! You never know when speed can help in a contest you know!" she congragilated the little pokemon.
"Nya!" Skitty replied happily, dropping the ball. It rolled down the hill, and Skitty, seeing the moving object and suddenly fascinated by it, jumped out of the girls arms, running full speed towards the ball.
"Skitty!" she cried, but too late, Skitty was practically at the bottom of the hill, and into the woods. She groaned. May was late enough back at camp as is, and now she would end up missing supper. Brock's food was always delicious. She shook her head, and concentrated on the current problem. May started running down the hill, and before she knew it, she had lost her footing and was now rolling down the hill.
"Ahhh!!!" she screamed, and rolled through the bushes into the woods.
"Oww...headache..." she said, sitting up and looking around. Right in front of her was her hyper pink pokemon.
"Nya!" Skitty mewed proudly through the big red ball in her mouth.
"Skitty, would you stop running off?" May pleaded as she picked up the pokemon.
"Maybe it wanted to find a better trainer," came a fimilar voice.
"I know those witty remarks anywhere, Drew!" May emphasized his name.
"Oh no, you caught me red-handed." he mocked as he stepped out from behind a tree. Drew was pretty much the same in appearance, except he wasn't as short.
'Crap, I can't make comebacks about his height anymore...' May thought, disappointed.
"So, uh, what are you doing here anyways?" May asked him, her voice full of curiousity.
"Not like it's any of your business, but I'm going to a contest in the next town." Drew replied in one of those annoying tones of his.
"Oh..." May said, but then started to realize that was the one she was training for, and she was supposed to be back at the campsite with Max, Ash, Misty, and Brock. "Oh no! I need to get back now!" May said, worriedly.
"Nya," meowed her forgotton Skitty. She had also realized she put Skitty down somewhere in the conversation. She quickly picked Skitty back up, as well as the ball, and started running off.
She stopped and turned around suddenly, waving at Drew. "See you at the contest Drew!" she said, before dashing off again.
"Okay...that was a weird encounter..." Drew muttered to himself before walking out of the woods towards the oppisite direction May went.
May had arrived back at the campsite, exsasted from running. Everyone at camp looked at her, confused.
"Why in the world do you look like you just run a marathon?" Misty asked curiously.
And thus began the summerized version of what happened. "Well, I was training Skitty, and she was doing really good. Then, I was praising her and the ball started to roll down the hill. Skitty, imediattly seeing this, jumped out of my arms, and ran after it. I followed her down the hill, and lost my footing, rolled down the hill and into the woods. I quickly found Skitty right in front of me, and then I scolded her, and then all of a sudden I hear Drew's voice-"
May was cut off by Max.
"Wait, wait. You saw Drew? What was he doing?" He asked, wanting to know more, but had stupidly intturupted.
"Well, if you let me finish, then you'll know!" May said angrly, and Max ran into his tent, screaming his head off in fear.
"Anyways, to continue before I was so RUDLY intterupted..." She said, casting an evil glare at Max, who stuck his head back in the tent. "Where was I? Oh yeah, Drew had made one of his annoying comments again, and I instantly knew who he was. He was so much taller too, which stinks so I can't make fun of his height anymore...but back on topic. I asked him where he was going, and he said to the contest in the next town over, you know the one I'm going to? And then I remembered I had to come back here, so I ran here like no tomorrow, and then you asked me why I looked like I ran a marathon. Then I had to explain to everyone, and then-"
She was cut off again, but this time by the whole group.
"All right we get it!" they all shouted.
"Okay, okay...I'm hungry..." May whined.
Everyone sweat dropped.
"I haven't even started cooking May..." Brock stated.
"Oh...well hurry up!" May said, and pushed Brock over to the cooking pot and handing him some utensils.
Misty and Ash fell over, anime-style.
Meanwhile, with Drew...
"Oh great, why do I have the feeling May and her gang are stalking me...they're always where I am. Or maybe, I'm always where they are...you know what, this is confusing." Drew said, abandoning this weird conversation with his Roselia.
"Row,Row," Roselia said.
"Guess your right, come-on, lets train some more." Drew said, heading towards the door.
"Rose!" Roselia said, following happily.
Okay, well, not as Contestshippy in this chapter, but all well. It will get better. It's not that long either, I'll try typing longer chapters too.
Notice the humor here people! Well, tell me if you liked it, critisize me, and point out mistakes, thanks!
Also, the meeting up in the woods thing seems fimiliar to me for some reason, I must have read something like that, all well. (Or I could be having Deja-Vu, I've been having that latley. O_O;
I also will have a PM list! =3 Remember, review!
May: 16
Drew: 16
Ash: 17
Misty: 17
Max: 13
Brock: 20
(This information is correctly age based right? I don't pay attention to their ages. -_-;
Chapter 1- The Hill
Rating- PG
Pages on Word- I dunno, I don't have word.
A femine figure was atop a small hill, throwing an object. Her name was May. Her clothes seemed orange-ish(But you all know it's red.), due to the setting sun, and it's color-inflicting evil. A pink cat-like pokemon was bounding up to May, trying to reach her as fast as possible, but it wasn't easy, for the pokemon had tiny legs and a large ball in it's mouth. When it finally reached the brown-haired girl she pressed a button on something in her hand.
"Not bad, Skitty! Your speed is getting faster every time! You never know when speed can help in a contest you know!" she congragilated the little pokemon.
"Nya!" Skitty replied happily, dropping the ball. It rolled down the hill, and Skitty, seeing the moving object and suddenly fascinated by it, jumped out of the girls arms, running full speed towards the ball.
"Skitty!" she cried, but too late, Skitty was practically at the bottom of the hill, and into the woods. She groaned. May was late enough back at camp as is, and now she would end up missing supper. Brock's food was always delicious. She shook her head, and concentrated on the current problem. May started running down the hill, and before she knew it, she had lost her footing and was now rolling down the hill.
"Ahhh!!!" she screamed, and rolled through the bushes into the woods.
"Oww...headache..." she said, sitting up and looking around. Right in front of her was her hyper pink pokemon.
"Nya!" Skitty mewed proudly through the big red ball in her mouth.
"Skitty, would you stop running off?" May pleaded as she picked up the pokemon.
"Maybe it wanted to find a better trainer," came a fimilar voice.
"I know those witty remarks anywhere, Drew!" May emphasized his name.
"Oh no, you caught me red-handed." he mocked as he stepped out from behind a tree. Drew was pretty much the same in appearance, except he wasn't as short.
'Crap, I can't make comebacks about his height anymore...' May thought, disappointed.
"So, uh, what are you doing here anyways?" May asked him, her voice full of curiousity.
"Not like it's any of your business, but I'm going to a contest in the next town." Drew replied in one of those annoying tones of his.
"Oh..." May said, but then started to realize that was the one she was training for, and she was supposed to be back at the campsite with Max, Ash, Misty, and Brock. "Oh no! I need to get back now!" May said, worriedly.
"Nya," meowed her forgotton Skitty. She had also realized she put Skitty down somewhere in the conversation. She quickly picked Skitty back up, as well as the ball, and started running off.
She stopped and turned around suddenly, waving at Drew. "See you at the contest Drew!" she said, before dashing off again.
"Okay...that was a weird encounter..." Drew muttered to himself before walking out of the woods towards the oppisite direction May went.
May had arrived back at the campsite, exsasted from running. Everyone at camp looked at her, confused.
"Why in the world do you look like you just run a marathon?" Misty asked curiously.
And thus began the summerized version of what happened. "Well, I was training Skitty, and she was doing really good. Then, I was praising her and the ball started to roll down the hill. Skitty, imediattly seeing this, jumped out of my arms, and ran after it. I followed her down the hill, and lost my footing, rolled down the hill and into the woods. I quickly found Skitty right in front of me, and then I scolded her, and then all of a sudden I hear Drew's voice-"
May was cut off by Max.
"Wait, wait. You saw Drew? What was he doing?" He asked, wanting to know more, but had stupidly intturupted.
"Well, if you let me finish, then you'll know!" May said angrly, and Max ran into his tent, screaming his head off in fear.
"Anyways, to continue before I was so RUDLY intterupted..." She said, casting an evil glare at Max, who stuck his head back in the tent. "Where was I? Oh yeah, Drew had made one of his annoying comments again, and I instantly knew who he was. He was so much taller too, which stinks so I can't make fun of his height anymore...but back on topic. I asked him where he was going, and he said to the contest in the next town over, you know the one I'm going to? And then I remembered I had to come back here, so I ran here like no tomorrow, and then you asked me why I looked like I ran a marathon. Then I had to explain to everyone, and then-"
She was cut off again, but this time by the whole group.
"All right we get it!" they all shouted.
"Okay, okay...I'm hungry..." May whined.
Everyone sweat dropped.
"I haven't even started cooking May..." Brock stated.
"Oh...well hurry up!" May said, and pushed Brock over to the cooking pot and handing him some utensils.
Misty and Ash fell over, anime-style.
Meanwhile, with Drew...
"Oh great, why do I have the feeling May and her gang are stalking me...they're always where I am. Or maybe, I'm always where they are...you know what, this is confusing." Drew said, abandoning this weird conversation with his Roselia.
"Row,Row," Roselia said.
"Guess your right, come-on, lets train some more." Drew said, heading towards the door.
"Rose!" Roselia said, following happily.
Okay, well, not as Contestshippy in this chapter, but all well. It will get better. It's not that long either, I'll try typing longer chapters too.
Also, the meeting up in the woods thing seems fimiliar to me for some reason, I must have read something like that, all well. (Or I could be having Deja-Vu, I've been having that latley. O_O;
I also will have a PM list! =3 Remember, review!
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