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Treecko and Pochama Master sprite shop

Okay dont matter if you take any of these but just give all credit to ....
ME! Im a worker for DarkAybssWolf Im planning on becoming my own shop once I get a reputation also this is part contest enter ONE of your best MIXES
or Trainer Card and it will be decided who whens with votes.
Also I take as many requests as you want!

It is 110% yours
You can not use a old one it has to be made the day you enter it
You did not have help
All entrys in by the End of October

and thats it

Also I used to Be Pochama Master but my name got screwed up so now Im this.
Apparently so si yours.

Even if his comp is slow that still doesn't excuse him, he should be patient.
See?I only posted once, learn form that.