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Treecko surfers sprites

surfer treecko

Highly Explosive
Hi! im just a beginer spriter so don't expect my sprites 2 be ultra super good.

I can't think of what 2 say so here are my sprites:


Name: Fisteon, it doesn't have fists so i wonder why i called it that.
Wildcat pokemon
Element: Fighting
Often seen showing of by kicking trees and kicking the fruits that fall.


This is only the back view and it would be good if someone made a front view for me...

Name: Scrotch
Element: Fire/ Flying
Loves biscuits and will do almost anything 2 get them!

Thats all for now!
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Your sprites are okay, but they don't really look very sprite-ish. You should avoid gradient filling in sprites. Keep trying, and they should improve. ^^ There's a problem though; they're saved as .bmp, and I don't think that's allowed. o-o
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surfer treecko

Highly Explosive
Fisteon is now gif instead, and what do you think it is? A wildcat or something?(I mean classification eg. Pikachu mouse pokemon)


Read Magic_Sunburst's Tutorial On The Fansprite forum, I Learnt spriting There, Now Look at The creatures In My Sig:D


Yes I use MS paint
you barely did anything to the Umbreon how can you expect that to be called a fakemon?
and the scratch in the first post SUCKS.
it doesn't even look like a pokemon!!


Eevee's for Ever
surfer treecko said:
Hi! im just a beginer spriter so don't expect my sprites 2 be ultra super good.

I can't think of what 2 say so here are my sprites:


Name: Fisteon, it doesn't have fists so i wonder why i called it that.
Wildcat pokemon
Element: Fighting
Often seen showing of by kicking trees and kicking the fruits that fall.


This is only the back view and it would be good if someone made a front view for me...

Name: Scrotch
Element: Fire/ Flying
Loves biscuits and will do almost anything 2 get them!

Thats all for now!

well fisteon is practically just a recoulour besides the tail, try not to do only recoulours try to do mixes, somthing i do is base my pokemon on somthing then add features for it to look like a pokemon. dont do everything completley from scratch, an easy mix could be an eevee and vulpix mix try to do some mixes with simaler pokemon and you could have really really good sprites

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
surfer treecko said:
Fisteon is now gif instead, and what do you think it is? A wildcat or something?(I mean classification eg. Pikachu mouse pokemon)
You have to upload it again as png. x_X

Eevee95 said:
well fisteon is practically just a recoulour besides the tail, try not to do only recoulours try to do mixes,
Actually, I don't think he is really ready for mixes and I don't think he is ready for scratch either. Eevee95, don't do run-ons.
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It's sprites like these that make Expert spriters leave SPPF. What a sad day..


Armagedon said:
It's sprites like these that make Expert spriters leave SPPF. What a sad day..
If you don't like bad spriters then why don't you just help them improve? >.>

Fisteon: It's okay, I guess. You could've done more to make it look Fakemon-ish. You didn't do much but recolor.

Scrotch: It barely looks a sprite. You need to fix up the outline...a lot and why is it gray? The outlines are also really thick...Umm...I think it needs better shading...There's other stuff but you get the idea you need to work on it a little more. ^^;;

Also, have you read the tutorials? They'll help a lot.
MysticFlames said:
If you don't like bad spriters then why don't you just help them improve? >.>

Also, have you read the tutorials? They'll help a lot.
Yes, They do help. I'd use DS's Shading to help improve your shading on SCrotch- Thingy.