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Trick or Treat!


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is out of place but i would like a new dusclops moveset for halloween and i do not like the suggestion as a pokemon of the week. I know its a good anoyer but what is the best annoyer set for it?

Trick or Treat!;356;


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sorry if this is out of place but i would like a new dusclops moveset for halloween and i do not like the suggestion as a pokemon of the week. I know its a good anoyer but what is the best annoyer set for it?

Trick or Treat!;356;

^Read the sticky, this is out of place.

If you want a suggested moveset, you should make a thread in the ingame team rate forum and post you Dusclops' current moveset, then people can give you suggestions on it.

But since you bothered to post it here, this is what I'd use for any annoyer:

Dusclops @Leftovers
Impish nature
-Mean look

^Not the best, but it can work fairly well.
I would have included wil-o-wisp there, but with confuseray, it doesn't work out, since burn lowers the foe's attack, and damage dealt to it when hit with confusion is based off of how high the pokemon's attack is. So if their attack's lowered, confusion will do less damage.
I guess if you want to use wil-o-wisp, use it with attract, so it will work. But of course if your foe was the same gender as you the strategy would be screwed...

But maybe post your current moveset in the ingame team rate forum, and you'll get more suggestions there.

Pain Split
Confuse Ray

Maybe this helps?

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
yes it dose
My set was like an annoyer set with Rest, Leftovers, and Pain Split for his low HP


Use this please:

Careful Nature
Trait: Pressure
-Pain Split
-Seismic Toss
-Shadow Ball

I don't know if that is the POTW set or not, but it's off the top of my head. Basically just burn everything you can, healing any damage with Pain Split. Your Careful Nature weakens Special attacks, while the burns reduce the power of Physical attacks. Shadow Ball OHKO's Alakazam, and Seismic Toss is just there for everything that Shadow Ball can't hit. Confuse Ray is an option over it though. For EV's, max HP and split the rest between Sp. Def and Def.


what does pain split do again?

Takes your current HP, takes your opponent’s current HP, adds them together, and splits it evenly between you and your opponent. A good way of healing while damaging the opponent at the same time, especially since Dusclops has such pathetic HP even when at full health.



Will-o-wisp burns the opponent, cutting their attack in half while damage them every turn. It’s one of Dusclops’s best moves.

No, Seismic Toss > Night Shade or else you can’t hit Normal types.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Rest is an option over Pain Split if you don't want to breed for egg moves. With Rest you can't hurt the foe indirectly, but you can remove status, which Pain Split doesn't.

You still need a bit of Atk EVs to OHKO Alakazam though. 56 EVs are just enough boost your attack enough to kill it.
the EVs are given to ENSURE a OHKO on alakazam.
But, with a little more Atk, it OHKO's Gengar.

use this;

Dusclops (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Atk / 68 Def / 92 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Rest
- Shadow Ball
- Seismic Toss
- Sleep Talk
i wold give a dusclops

pain split
confuse ray
shadow punch/night shade/ice beam