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Trick to change a pokemon into a shiny...

Ze DreamGirl

Future Vaporeon
I heard that there is a way to change one of your pokemon into a shiny thanks to a trick with the red gyarados and the bug catching contest...Someone can explain it to me please I want to try it with my level 8 togepi...

Ze DreamGirl

Future Vaporeon
It's sad ! I have a french silver...why it works only in the Japanese versions...?


Demonic Warrior
You can breed with a shiny ditto for a 1/64 chance of a shiny, trade red gyara to r/b/y, teach it mimic and erase the other moves, then keep attacking him with mimic for a few turns and then thow a master ball or whatever can catch him, when you trade the ditto to gsc itll be shiny