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Tricks Of The Trade! (148)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Tricks Of The Trade!

On the way to Goldenrod City, Ash enters a town obsessed in trading. He gets approached by a guy who wants to trade his Wobbuffet, however Ash doesnt want to trade but says he will help him find a Pokemon to trade. Also theres a Tauros running Tournement there which Ash wants to enter. Will Ash win and find a Pokémon to trade for Benny's Wobbuffet?

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Factory Head Noland

This episode changed Team Rocket's motto for the better! Although I do miss Lickitung, I like Wobbuffet better. Lol! Jessie didn't even know that she had traded Lickitung!
The Tauros Tournament was good and Ash done great in it.


Team Awesome
Lickitung is my least favorite pokemon, heracross is also a least favorite, and Wobbuffet is obviously my favorite pokemon, so you can guess how much I love this episode. :D It may be only my *second*-favorite episode, but it still is one of the greatest episodes featuring lineup changes. Plus, I LOVE Wobbuffet!!! :D

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I guess it should be brought up that Wobbafett is only of Team Rocket's Pokemon to win against the twerps since "Ash catches a Pokemon".


Contaminated KFC
Did anyone notice how...depressed Wobba seemed to be when he was tagging along with Benny, and when it ended up with Team Rocket it seemed to open up and become much happier? And as he was about to be traded, Wobba seemed to put on a smile and let out an elated 'Wobb!'. Maybe I'm just reading into it much, but sometimes I wonder if Benny mistreated Wobbuffet as it certainly didn't seem all too happy being with him x.x;
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Team Awesome
Even though I don't like Lickitung, I think it would be great to have it and Benny back again just to bring some closure.


Yeah, this episode changed Team Rocket forever, as Wobbuffet pretty much became the mainstay of TR. I was a bit ****** off at first as I quite liked Lickitung, but then Wobbuffet grew on me, and the rest is history!

Ororo Munroe

Gravy said:
Benny mistreated Wobbuffet as it certainly didn't seem all too happy being with him.
Well Jessie seems to mistreat it as well. But maybe you're right and Wobbuffet didn't like Benny because IIRC Benny was just training him so he could trade him.


I'll be honest, I seriously DID NOT like Wobbuffet when it first joined Team Rocket. But I guess after about 3-4 years watching episodes with it in it, I guess Wobbuffet kind of grew on me. ;202;


I liked Lickitung too, but I love Wobbuffet. I didn't either at first but it grew on me (Wobbuffet looks like something that would grow on you XD).


Soul Trainer
This episode is action-packed. Ash enter a Tauros Tournament, Jesse trades Lickitung, everyone wants Misty's Psyduck. A Must-See!


I was re-watching this episode yesterday and have been wondering about this for the past few years...

[IMG200]http://serebii.net/anime/pictures/johto/146/043.jpg[/IMG200] [IMG200]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y39/medea10/Random/HOSO109.jpg[/IMG200]
The guy to the right...Is he Tracey's long lost brother?


the only good thing in this episode was Wobbuffet at Team Rocket. I don't think Lickitung should have been out of TR, Ash made the fool, he had lots of Tauros and he didn't trade anyone, and that Tauros race was awful, due to that is copied of an Spanish disgusting tradition related to bullfighting


I agree, I like Lickitung was one of my favorite Team Rocket Pokemon too. I'd love to see it again, maybe we will now since TR is traveling Kanto again. Actually wait, the trade happened in Johto. Nevermind. Anyway, this episode was awesome, especially the Tauros competition.
I love ;202; becuase it was a secound favorite pokemon. My first favorite pokemon was ;249;. I also loved the part when some Pokemon Trainers traded thier pokemon for Misty's Psyduck and the part when Jessie traded Lickitung for Benny's Wobbufett. BTW, the Hoothoot from this episode reminded me of the Hoothoot from the previous Johto Episodes.