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tricky phrases

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Calm And Hyper
does anyone know any secret phrases e.g. great battle for berry masters wife to get secret berry.
i especially want phrases for the guy in emerald in rustboro that tries to make his baby walda laugh. i want to know the website for the wallpaper codes

finally i really want to know about the dewford phrase. is there a certain way to change it. (and why did what the hipster say appear under "trendy saying")
thanks, phew.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
I'll answer a segment of your question:
The codes for the wallpaper are based on your ID number, so go here:

Wallpaper code calculation

*edit* I edited the original link to allow you to get the translated page straight away.
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Well-Known Member
Here are the phrases for the Berry Master's wife, along with the berries you get for saying them:
Great Battle - Spelon
Challenge Contest - Pamtre
Overwhelming Latias - Watmel
Cool Latios - Duren
Super Hustle - Belue

Just remember that for the 3rd and 4th you need to at least have the respective pokémon in your pokédex as seen, and for the 2nd and 5th some of their words don't unlock until you beat the elite 4.

Evanji Axu

What about making Walda laugh? I tried "moof", the F word, and dammit, but to no avail. It was worth it to see an old fart swear in front of his new baby though *giggles*


TC expert
Evanji Axu said:
What about making Walda laugh? I tried "moof", the F word, and dammit, but to no avail. It was worth it to see an old fart swear in front of his new baby though *giggles*
It's the second post dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evanji Axu

Oopsie. Thought that was only referring to the secret berry thing.


Team Rocket Admin
how many differant wall papers can you get?


TC expert
dkrolickm said:
how many differant wall papers can you get?
One at a time

Off topic:I didn't notice that everyone kenw about filb until last month while I knew about it for 6 months, and it was posted on the forums after that O_ô I hate my life


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Please check around the forums before asking a question, both of yours have been answered here before, plus my Emerald FAQ has all the info on the Rustboro girl you'll ever need.

-Answered, closed
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