Can someone make a commentary?
Ash is pretty excited to get to the First Gym this early.
Dento*'s here already and it's not even three minutes in.
Like most Isshu-native people he really likes Pikachu.
* Dent pronounces his name " Dent-o " so I'm using that for now on. Kay?
Dento agrees to take them to the gym when asked. He takes then to what looks like a cafe.
Ash doesn't want any food ... for once. He just wants to battle.
'Course when he says battle the fangirls go wild. Like literally.
The brothers are really showy when it comes to introductions. Like Fantina-showy.
Oh, this must be where Gary's Cheerleader's went.
Ash was supposed to choose his opponent but he wants to fight them all. They agree.
First up is Pod. Dent is acting as Ref.
Ash sends out Pokabu. Iris and I both are surprised.
Minus Fire Punch Pod's monkey has about the same move pool as Chimchar.
After some mishaps Pokabu pulled off a pretty impressive victory. It seems rather proud of itself.
Next up is Corn ... after the break.
After the break we get some of Team Rocket sneaking around town.
Now back to the Gym. Ash chooses Pikachu.
Corn is super-confident he'll win this one.
And it's no surprise why. Pikachu is more or less plummeted.
Back to Team Rocket. Looks like they're about to pull something with Giovanni's approval.
Now back to the Gym. It's Dent's turn. Pod's now reffing.
Roffle. The little otter-thing folded its arms like Buizel when it came out.
Oops. It looks afraid to battle after seeing its opponent just like the last episode.
Ash has to give it a pep talk saying that he knows its great and all.
After getting hit the otter-thing's
really reluctant to fight.
It takes a while but they finally get a hit.
Then it gets serious. (music change and al - IT'S OVER
I wasn't expecting this to be a two parter, but here we go.
I just wanna ask if Dento and his brothers are effeminate?
Not really. It just seems like they're all trying to show off for their fangirl customers.