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trouble getting to the 3rd dungeon

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Chimchar Breeder
How do I get to the third dungeon? I've spoken with everyone in the town, went to the post office, been to the first 2 dungeons 3 times each, visited the guy to the north of town (i forget his name) What else am I missing?

Captain Noobhead

Nothing really. You're doing it correctly, the only thing is to maybe complete a couple of more bulletin missions, and also try doing the ones in the second dungeon, not just the ones in the first.

It may take you a couple of tries. I know I took me about 4 or 5 missions before I finally got the 3rd dungeon area.


You have to read the bulletin boards outside the Pelliper post office. Take all the letters and open it (the letter inside is red). Then go south of your house and do the missions.
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