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TR's Wobbuffet Fan Club

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Bring it.
Jessie&James said:
Hey everyone, I'd love to join. ^_^
Wobby is hilarious, especially his conversations with that Wynaut. ^^

LOL, I think the same thing, TR's plans just don't seem the same if they don't end with a big ol' "Wobuffet".

And to think at first I despised the big, blue blob. ><

I'll end with a Wobby pic...

Lmao wobby is drunk! I'm sure you can join cause that picture is god damn funny xD.
Welcome to the club, J&J! It's too bad that I can't see the picture you posted, as I'm using a school computer with a filter that blocks imageshack.


Team Awesome
Oh, I HAVE to join this group. :D :D Wobbuffet was one of the major things that drew me to the show. I absolutely love him. He's had so many hilarious moments over the years on the show too, more than I can name.

So, can I join? Pretty please? :D


Infinite Master Sceptile said:
Welcome to the club, J&J! It's too bad that I can't see the picture you posted, as I'm using a school computer with a filter that blocks imageshack.

Thankies! Darn, blasted school computers. ><

Oh, and I was searching for Pokémon plushies the other day (cause my birthday's coming up and for Christmas. Yay!), and I found an adorable Wobby plush. So cute, I need it. ^.^

A pic of it, for those interested. ^^

And another piccy...
This club should not die. Please help me keep it alive.

Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
I haven't really found much in the way of Wobby images (that haven't already been displayed here :p ), but I do have something you might find interesting. It's a pic I did of an evolution of a Wobbuffet; specifically, the female version (yes, there are different evolutions for males and females). It's nothing fancy, and it is just the head, but...meh.

Kwazai, female

There's something I have to say about TR's Wobbuffet, and that's that if it wasn't for him, I might have never gotten so interested in Wobbuffet. I imagine it's that way with a lot of people, actually.


Can I join?I can't remember an episode where Wobbuffet didn't appear.
I still need to find a picture of Wobbuffet but I made this animation a while ago
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