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Trying to complete Pokedex


Problem magnet
Like the title says Im trying to complete my Fire red Pokedex. all I need is Espeon, Celebi,Mew and Ho-oh. Im getting Espeopn out of my Colloseum and Ho-oh after I purify all the pokemon. All I need is a way to get celebi and mew got any non cheating ways?

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
yeah i have celebi,
but you will need to wait for me to get d/p if your interested,
and that will be when it's released in america

Legendary star

Well-Known Member
If you want a good deal, you can do this: trade any pokemon for someone's mew, then trade back. This way, you'll have mew on your pokedex even though you don't actually have the pokemon.
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Well-Known Member
Mew: non-cheating way would be getting Emerald, get the Old SeaChart via Nintendo Event and then goto Faraway Island = Lv.30 Mew
Celebi: can be downloaded from the JAPANESE bonus disc of some pokemon game for GameCube (dont remember which game)

well.. if u cant wait till the nxt event or if u dont live anywhere near a likely event location then just get the damn AR ^^, if ur close to event locations and u have ??days/months to wait for it, then dont buy the AR
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Mew-at Faraway Island in Emerald through Nintendo events, or Toysrus Mew giveaway, which was a while ago
Celebi- Japanese Bonus Disc, or JAA

Try getting them off Wi-Fi, see if anyone's cloned them and are willing to trade to you


Well-Known Member
You don't need either Mew or Celebi for a complete Pokedex...

That is partly true yes, since you can get the certificate and the trainer star without them (same with Deoxys and Jirachi).


Well-Known Member
Mew: non-cheating way would be getting Emerald, get the Old SeaChart via Nintendo Event and then goto Faraway Island = Lv.30 Mew
Celebi: can be downloaded from the JAPANESE bonus disc of some pokemon game for GameCube (dont remember which game)

Pokemon Colluseum.