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Trying to get a Modest nature.

Ace Face

My spoon's too big!
This is extremely frustrating.

I am currently replaying my Emerald, and am trying to receive a modest nature Mudkip.

Is Modest the hardest nature to get? I've been trying for hours and can't seem to get one. I've basically received every other nature but Modest. This is very annoying.

Any help would be very appreciated.


I said, Bring It ON!
Modest is among the rarest to get. Give your female modest swampert an everstone, and if its not modest give your modest ditto an everstone. Modest hard to find in the wild? Get a modest pokemon with synchronize/trace. It raises the chance of wild modest pokemon.

My advice to you: Swampert has very low SPATK. His ATK is pretty good, so go for adamant. Adamant increases atk greatly and modest decreases it greatly



What? There’s no such thing as the rarest nature to get. You have an equal and fair chance of getting all natures.

Also, Modest is bad for Swampert. You don’t want to decrease it’s Attack power. Medaton is wrong though, you don't want to decrease it's Special Attack either.

Use Brave or Relaxed please.
Brave, Quiet, Relaxed would work, possibly Sassy?


Well-Known Member
Brave is probably the best nature for Swampert. Adamant is good if you plan on transfering Swampert to D/P.


Kyokudo <33
even if it uses I ce Beam,adament could work because most birds have bad sp.def except noctowl and most of swamperts best attacks are physical and his atk. stat is 55 higher


Well-Known Member
But it definitely will not knock out Grass types.


Kyokudo <33
thats why you have to switch out or get another pokemon to cover its weaknesses,if it were Quagsire then it could sludge bomb

Ace Face

My spoon's too big!
Thanks for all the good advice! The randomization of natures are probably equal, but I swear on Tony Danza's soul Modest is the only one I haven't come across in two days. I have seen all others multiple times.

Thanks again!

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
You have to keep trying, if you think you have it hard, I was resetting for a female modest Mudkip, in the end I got it though.


Well-Known Member
modest is among the worst of them all (well i think it is),its hard to get up atk and def with that nature,get docile,its good(strange,my zapdos and raikou have that nature)

kill and run

ShinyHunting Veteran
modest natures is my favorite also i was sring for a modest mewtwo and i got it in an hour i also have all of the legendary birds as modest adn a lvl 100 latos modest my best bet is to keep trying and maybe a shiny one will appear


Back I guess??
Just take any Mudkip!
Nature won´t matter until after E4, your EVs will be messed and it will probably have bad IVs.
Get any nature then for Frontier just breed your starter with a Modest Ditto (Holding Everstone). This will save a lot of time because you´ll have to breed it later, don´t matter which nature it has.
I had an Impish (-S.atk +Def) Sceptile when I beat E4 in my restarted Sapphire and it did pretty well.
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