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Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Anyone?

Since the old thread of Tsubasa Discussion died months back...

Anyways, just discuss and all? The series is getting a little violent, IMO. And I love Yuzuriha's appearances in three countries in a row. [From what observed]

Anyways, Volumes 15 and 16 are out in Japan, with 15 out in Singapore in Chinese (English Version will come soon, definite). Looks like the Dragons of Heaven and Dragons of Earth, all of 'em, appear then. Niceee.

And I love it how Volume Nine to Thirteen had Tomoyo Daidouji featured heavily on it, sweet. Too bad Rika and Tereda-sensei didn't make a reappearance in Tsubasa. They should have 'em there. And Chiharu as well... Yamazaki Takashi did get an appearance, so I'm happy.

*stops typing*


Feel my soul
I just started reading Tsubasa last week! ^^ My friend lent me Vol. 1 of it. So far, I enjoyed it. =) The characters are so cute, and there seems to be a lot of cliffhangers at the end of chapters. I really hope to read more of it!

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
I read a random volume of it once, eh, it was okay. I thought it moved to slow though.
I do agree with it being a little slow, but I like the character development in Sakura from Volume 10 to 12, due to the appearance of Tomoyo Daidouji.

I seriously need to buy Volume 15 in English once it's out in Singapore... *is dying so badly for it*