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TV Schedule: October-November (TV-Tokyo, Cartoon Network, Boomerang)


Frustrated Elf
October 2006

CN=Cartoon Network
WB=Kids' WB!

All times, except for TV-Tokyo airings, are ET.
Premieres appear in bold
When the dubbed title is unknown, the translation of the Japanese title is listed in italics.

All times are tentative and subject to change without notice.


Sunday, October 22nd -

TT: 7:30am - "The Challenge of Snag Golf!"
TT: 8:00am - "Pokemon Revival [What Are the Secrets of the GS Ball]"


Monday, October 23rd -

CN: 7:00am - "Solid as a Solrock"
CN: 5:00pm - "Claydol, Big and Tall"
CN: 5:30pm - "Once in a Mawile"

Tuesday, October 24th -

CN: 7:00am - "Vanity Affair"
CN: 5:00pm - "Beg, Burrow and Steal"
CN: 5:30pm - "Absol-ute Disaster"

Wednesday, October 25th -

CN: 7:00am - "Where's Armaldo?"
CN: 5:00pm - "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt"
CN: 5:30pm - "Do I Hear a Ralts?"

Thursday, October 26th -

CN: 7:00am - "A Cacturne for the Worse"
CN: 5:00pm - "The Great Eight Fate!"
CN: 5:30pm - "Eight Ain't Enough"

TT: 7:00pm - [spoil]"Hesitation in the Forest! Shinji Again!!"[/spoil]

Friday, October 27th -

CN: 7:00am - "Claydoll Big and Tall"
CN: 5:00pm - "Showdown at Linoone"
CN: 5:30pm - "Who, What, Where, When, Wynaut?"

Saturday, October 28th -

CN: 9:00am - "Harley Rides Again"
CN: 9:30am - "Odd Pokémon Out"
CN: 5:00pm - "Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!"

CN: 6:00pm - "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon"
CN: 7:00pm - "Big Meowth, Little Dreams"
CN: 7:30pm - "Fear Factor Phony"

Sunday, October 29th -

TT: 7:30am - "Daisuke Project [Run, Jump, Throw] Research"
TT: 8:00am - "Pokemon Revival [Help Lapras!]"


Monday, October 30th -

CN: 8:00am - "Once in a Mawile"
CN: 6:00pm - "Date Expectations"
CN: 6:30pm - "Mean with Envy"

Tuesday, October 31st -

CN: 8:00am - "Beg, Burrow and Steal"


Frustrated Elf
November 2006

CN=Cartoon Network
WB=Kids' WB!

All times, except for TV-Tokyo airings, are ET.
Premieres appear in bold
When the dubbed title is unknown, the translation of the Japanese title is listed in italics.

All times are tentative and subject to change without notice.


Wednesday, November 1st -

CN: 8:00am - "Absol-ute Disaster"
CN: 6:00pm - "Pacifidlog Jam"
CN: 6:30pm - "Berry, Berry Interesting"

Thursday, November 2nd -

CN: 8:00am - "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt"
CN: 12:30pm - Pokémon Movie 07 "Destiny Deoxys"
CN: 6:00pm - "Less is Morrison"
CN: 6:30pm - "The Ribbon Cup Caper"

TT: 7:00pm - [spoil]"Do Your Best, Pochama!!"[/spoil]

Friday, November 3rd -

CN: 8:00am - "Do I Hear a Ralts?"
CN: 6:00pm - "Hi Ho Silver Wind!"
CN: 6:30pm - "Deceit and Assist!"

Saturday, November 4th -

BR: 8:00am - "Sparks Fly for Magnemite"
BR: 8:30am - "Dig Those Diglett"
CN: 9:00am - "Spontaneous Combusken"
CN: 9:30am - "Cutting Off the Ties That Bind"

CN: 8:00pm - "Sweet Baby James"
CN: 8:30pm - "A Chip Off the Old Brock"
BR: 11:00pm - "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon"
BR: 11:30pm - "A Chansey Operation"

Sunday, November 5th -

TT: 7:30am - "Pokemon Orienteering!? [Coming Into Contact with Nature (Part One)]"
TT: 8:00am - "Pokemon Revival [The Orange League! Natsukan Gym!]" (unconfirmed)


Monday, November 6th -

CN: 6:00pm - "Rhapsody in Drew"
CN: 6:30pm - "The Legend of Thunder - Part One"

Tuesday, November 7th -

CN: 6:00pm - "Island Time"
CN: 6:30pm - "The Legend of Thunder - Part Two"

Wednesday, November 8th -

CN: 12:00pm - Pokémon Movie 06 "Jirachi Wish Maker"
CN: 6:00pm - "Like a Meowth to a Flame"
CN: 6:30pm - "The Legend of Thunder - Part Three"

Thursday, November 9th -

CN: 6:00pm - "Saved by the Beldum"
CN: 6:30pm - "Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2001"

TT: 7:00pm - [spoil]"Greggle of the Mysterious Gym!"[/spoil]

Friday, November 10th -

CN: 3:00pm - "Queen of the Serpentine"
CN: 3:30pm - "Off the Unbeaten Path"
CN: 4:00pm - "Harley Rides Again!"
CN: 4:30pm - "Odd Pokémon Out!"
CN: 5:00pm - "Spontaneous Combusken"
CN: 5:30pm - "Cutting the Ties That Bind"
CN: 6:00pm - "Ka Boom with a View"
CN: 6:30pm - "King and Queen for a Day!"

Satuday, November 11th -

CN: 9:00am - "Ka Boom with a View"
CN: 9:30am - "King and Queen for a Day!"
CN: 8:00pm - "Wheel of Frontier"
CN: 8:30pm - "May's Egg-cellent Adventure"

Sunday, November 12th -

TT: 7:30am - "Pokemon Orienteering!? [Coming Into Contact with Nature (Part Two)]"
TT: 8:00am - "Pokemon Revival [The Mystery of the Disappearing Pokemon!]" (unconfirmed)


Monday, November 13th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Tuesday, November 14th -

CN: 10:00am - Pokémon Movie 07 "Destiny Deoxys"
CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Wednesday, November 15th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Thursday, November 16th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

TT: 7:00pm - [spoil]"Let's Play with Mimiroru!?"[/spoil]

Friday, November 17th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Satuday, November 18th -

CN: 9:00am - "Curbing the Crimson Tide!"
CN: 9:30am - "What I Did for Love!"

CN: 7:00pm - TBA
CN: 7:30pm - TBA

Sunday, November 19th -

TT: 7:30am - TBA
TT: 8:00am - "Pokemon Revival [The Crystal Iwaku]" (unconfirmed)


Monday, November 20th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Tuesday, November 21st -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Wednesday, November 22nd -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Thursday, November 23rd -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

TT: 7:00pm - TBA

Friday, November 24th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Satuday, November 25th -

CN: 9:00am - TBA
CN: 9:30am - TBA
CN: 7:00pm - TBA
CN: 7:30pm - TBA

Sunday, November 26th -

TT: 7:30am - TBA
TT: 8:00am - "Pokemon Revival [The Island of the Pink Pokemon]" (unconfirmed)


Monday, November 27th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Tuesday, November 28th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Wednesday, November 29th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

Thursday, November 30th -

CN: 5:00pm - TBA
CN: 5:30pm - TBA

TT: 7:00pm - TBA

Dark Star

Mysterious Trainer
They will probably air it again when it falls into its proper place in the season. That should be in early to mid December.


Shiny Catcher!
Cartoon Network? Damn, it's not in the magazine are you sure? Or is it america only? I have Sky, what channel no. is it on, I want to see that Deoxys movie.

Dark Star

Mysterious Trainer
I missed Pokemon Ranger! Destiny Deoxys. DO you think They'll show it again?

I think you are getting it confused. The special/episode was called Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! It aired as a special on Cartoon Network but it is really just a regular episode. It SHOULD reair in its proper order on the schedule.

"Destiny Deoxys" was Pokémon Movie 07 and came out on Kids WB a long time ago. It reairs tomorrow at 12:30PM and on November 14 at 10:00AM.


I know that... I saw the movie... I ment the episode.. yeah.. sorry.... I missed it because i had to work so darn early in the day and my mom had to tape it for me... but i forgot about the deoxys crisis episode... I wanna watch it! I guess I'll look for it on youtube... along with the other episodes of other shows that i've missed... I hate working! -_-'


Prepare etc., etc.
Update: There will be no Pokemon episodes on Cartoon Network November 22 (they're showing "Men in Black"), November 23 (Thanksgiving Day in the USA) due to a Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends marathon. In addition, no episodes they day after that as they plan to run movies almost all day. As for the Chronicles episodes...

  • Nov. 13 - The Family That Trains Together Stays Together.
    Nov. 14 - Cerulian Blues.
    Nov. 15- We're No Angels
    Nov. 16 - Showdown at the Oak Corral
    Nov. 17 - The Blue Badge of Courage.

    Nov. 20 - Oaknapped
    Nov. 21 - A Date with Delcatty

    Nov. 27 -Celebi and Joy
    Nov. 28 - Training Daze
    Nov. 29 - Journey to the Starting Line
    Nov. 30 - Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl
    Dec. 1 - Luvdisc Is a Many Splendored Thing
Last edited:


Update: There will be no Pokemon episodes on Cartoon Network November 23 (Thanksgiving Day in the USA) due to a Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends marathon. In addition, no episodes they day after that as they plan to run movies almost all day. As for the Chronicles episodes...

  • Nov. 13 - The Family That Trains Together Stays Together.
    Nov. 14 - Cerulian Blues.
    Nov. 15- We're No Angels
    Nov. 16 - Showdown at the Oak Corral
    Nov. 17 - The Blue Badge of Courage.

    Nov. 20 - Oaknapped
    Nov. 21 - A Date with Delcatty
    Nov. 22 - Celebi and Joy

    Nov. 27 - Training Daze
    Nov. 28 - Journey to the Starting Line
    Nov. 29 - Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl
    Nov. 30 - Luvdisc is a Many Splendored Thing
    Dec. 1 - Those Darn Electrabuzz

What times is all this happening at..?

Gryphon Turboclaw

Thunder Trainer
I've been trying to look up the episode listings for Pokemon: Battle Frontier on Cartoon Network, and I keep getting "undefined" in the episode/show description. What could be the problem?

Not entirely off topic, I hope...


Cant catch me!

I NEVER knew that Japan had Cartoon Network!!


Well-Known Member
You americans are really lucky two movies with chronicles and new episodes. Do you have a U.K pokemon schedule.


Well-Known Member
Cartoon Network seems to be in a hurry to push through these episodes. Tomorrow night they are showing New Plot-Odd Lot then Going for Choke! on Thursday. Hrmmm new episodes 4 times a week? Is something up?