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two easy shinies!

Black Hawk

ready to strike
i have a shiny dustox and a shiny golbat both of which are holding a masterball. for them i will only accept one thing, a sneasel, adamant/lonely/naughty nature, with ice punch untrained (preferebly holding razor claw but it doesn't have to).

Black Hawk

ready to strike
if u can get me an untrained sneasel with ice punch and any of those three natures (adamant lonely naughty), i will give u the two shinies.pm when u get it.


Well-Known Member
Lol I had a few Sneasels of different natures all with Ice Punch from breeding them myself not long ago. Too bad I realeased the ones I didnt use... :p


Well-Known Member
Actually I have all I need to breed them again if you want one?


Well-Known Member
Ive got it if you want it soon, I dont even want both shinys for it.


Dragon trainer
Drakorn says ' i've got the bunnery, now need to breed with the sneasal'


Well-Known Member
anyone else need these sneasels while im breeding them?


Dragon trainer
Drakorn says ' i've hatched the sneasal with the ice punch, it is male with lax nature or a serious nature, or a female one with either a jolly or a quirky nature'
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Well-Known Member
Nice to see you got what you wanted BlackHawk, I ended up getting two with Adamant and one with Lonely, as well as a bunch of misfits.