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Two New Pokémon Battle Revolution Scans! (From Coro Coro?)


Lurker Extreme

Crazy lucario man FTW.

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
I don't like the pokémon, they look like if they were made of plastic =P
On the other hand, now we have four trainers, if they are the playable ones, yay for it, no more conflicts between people who liked Wes more than the classic characters and vice-versa.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
Everything looks nice. I think it may be a battle frontier type of island is where the game takes place on. That would be fun. I also looked like you were customizing your own character. The one attack the psychic trio is using I'm hoping is just a regular attack because it almost looks like a shadow attack.


The Lost Mareep
Oooh wow finally some new news on PBR! I can't wait for this :D ages til Diamond but never mind, this should be a fun companion for the handheld. I'm loving what I see here, and finally a trainer customiser. I hope there are some exploring parts, just battles gets so repetitive, but other than that seems good to me.


reshiram ftw
I spot Jibacoil's Sugimori Art to the right of the first page....

Anyway, LOVE the Pokemon themed buildings!

i love them too, and if they release Jabacoil's Art, maybe lickitung evo, gligar evo, eevee evos, rhydon evo, tengela evo, togetic evo, yanma evo, pilloswine evo, porygon 2 evo, kirlia evo, nosepass evo, dusclops evo, and snorunt evo!!!


Interesting pictures.

I speculated that PBR would take place in a big city with neon lights at night, and water at the front (though I pictured it to have a beach, too).


The Lost Mareep
Finally for those who never got Emerald we can play in something that resembles the Battle Frontier! :D

Nice setting, I love neon cities, and Pokémon ones are even better.

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
Good news.

And character customization? Sweet! Here's hoping that you can also change the skin color.


Nice setting, I love neon cities.

Nowhere near as much as I do. :p London especially.

I hope there's some exploring elements to this game. Y'know, looking around the city and whatnot.


The Lost Mareep
Hey, we're probably about even. :)

London is so special to me, it just has a magic feeling. I'm not one for the human side of the planet, but I certainly appreciate the modern cities.

Hero of Legend

Advanced Missingno.
This is like the White City of PBR!

Judging by the Berobelt (Lickitung Evo) slide, could there possibly be a... MINI GAME MODE?!?!? o_O