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Two questions about Rukario...

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Rev up those fryers
1. Why do people sometimes call him "Lucario"?

2. Why do people assume he is a legendary?
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Yeah, ok!
Jigglychu said:
2. Why do people assume he is a legendary?

Because why wouldn't he be a legendary?

It only takes a little common sense and half a brain to figure that. Sure it's not 100% confirmed, but they wouldn't focus on any generic normal Pokemon for a major film.


The Infinite Fire
As far as I understand it, Rukario is the only name known for him to date. Some suspect that once Diamond and Pearl hit US shores, the R will be changed to an L due to Japanese/English language differences.

EDIT: Blast!

Torena No Nazo

Yeah, it's because in Japanese there is no "L" really, everything is pronounced, or at least written as an "R".


There isn't really proof, but that's what make senses right now.


Ho-oh was Mew using Transform. And for those who don't think Lucario is legendary just because he was the star of a movie, imagine this: "The Wishing-Star of Seven Nights - Sandshrew!"

As Latios said, Lucario's official name is Lucario. Since "Lucario" contains characters that can't be written in Japanese, the Japanese have to spell it as "Rukario." If you want to think otherwise, you might as well start calling Mewtwo "Myuutsu" and Deoxys "Deokishisu," because that's how both those names are spelled in Japanese characters.

Talons Fury

i dont think Rukario and Lukario sound much different its only a one letter change.

2.)also don't forget its "mew and the wave guiding hero-rukario" he's with mew and stuff he must me legandery also in the move hes in a giant crystal ball thing.


Old Coot
clammyshazam! said:
But Rukario sounds so much better then Lucario
Doesn't change the fact that his name is spelled LUCARIO and not RUKARIO. The Japanese pronounciation is Rukario because the L cannot be pronounced. The C is pretty much always pronounced as a K sound by itself in Japanese.

As Latios said, look in the Japanese to English guide over in the anime section for more info.

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
clammyshazam! said:
But Rukario sounds so much better then Lucario

What the hell? Apart from the obvious fact a c sounds exactly like a k in this situation, let's look at the L/R issue. In Japan, if they're reading a foreign word starting with an L they'd pronounce it exactly the same as a word beginning with an R so basically Lucario would sound exactly the same as Rukario. Also, once we get the English name which, as with all legendaries (except the legendary bird trio and, technically, Regice) is the same as the Japanese then Lucario will sound much closer to the original. than the English language pronunciation of Rukario.
Jigglychu said:
1. Why do people sometimes call him "Lucario"?

2. Why do people assume he is a legendary?

1. The people that call it that are probably trying to think they want to think that they are trying to be cool!!! (Phew) or they cant Pronounce Ru-ka-ri-o!!

2. I think it will be less of a legendary, it will be more of an uber pokemon!!
And to be Honest, i hope it is cos i am a fighting trainer, and it has already been named a fighting type!!!!! A fighting Uber Pokemon........ YAY!!!
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