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Type Casting (164)


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Type Casting!

On his way to Ecruteak City, Ash & Co. come across two researchers who are arguing over a type of a Pokémon, Sudowoodo. To solve their dispute, they must go and find one. Can they do this?

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Team Awesome
This is one of those times that Team Rocket really gets screwed. I mean, they actually do catch a sudowoodo so they can be taken across the river, just like the man wanted, but he doesn't believe it's real just because it won't talk? Something's seriously screwy there.

Overall, I'm not a big fan of this episode, mostly because sudowoodo ranks VERY high on the annoying list. The only highlight of the episode is sudowoodo and Wobbuffet pokespeaking back and forth, because in Japanese their names translate to "That's wrong" and "That's right". It's entertaining to listen to. :D


i was confused when i saw this episode cause at first i thought Sudowoodo was a grass type then i found that it's a rock type instead...so much for my theary of thinking it was a grass and steel type.
I saw this episode for the second time today!(Repeat 5:10am and I couldn't sleep.)

Goods points:
*Brock Licking Sudowoodo.(Hilarious)
*Sudowoodo using Mimic and confusing everyone.
*Sudowoodo had a nice voice.
*They Mentioned the SquirtBottle.

Bad Points:
*It got really confusing at some points.
*Ash, Misty and everybody making stupid comments.

9/10 a good filler episode!

Blaziken master

I haven't seen this episode in ages,can someone tell me why Brock leapt on top of sudowoodo and started licking it?
I like this one when they were bickering what type Sudowoodo was, Lol


Well-Known Member
Hehe, I liked this episode. Sudowoodo's one of the more entertaining Pokémon, with his dancing and funny voice.

Best line: Sudowoodo may be a grass-type, but it sure knows how to rock...


Well-Known Member
A hilarious episode a very good way at introducing Sudowoodo into the series and it's bit with Wobbuffet was funny. Interesting that Brock was the one to catch Sudowoodo in the field I guess a little foreshadowing of the Sudowoodo he'll have in D&P.


I have returned.....
It's very confusing to know Sudowoodo's type but it's a rock type in reality because it hates water! It confused the researcher because it learned Mimic, the attack in common to Sudowoodo. It did it to Ash's Chikorita, and also in his Pikachu!


Grass Pokemon Expert
I liked this episode. I thought Sudowoodo was very entertaining. I can understand both arguments on whether Sudowoodo is a grass or rock type. I personally would have thought it would hae been a grass type. I thought it was hilarious when Brock started licking Sudowoodo. Also, why did Team Rocket need the old man to get across the river. Couldn't they just fly in their hot air balloon?


This is really strange that Sudowoodo isn't grass type...

And i loved how it was like the games, when the old man took them to the next city