I mean will they have type based stadiums were you can only enter water types etc?
and you can win a pokemon, of that type and they would be rare. with a special attack
Water-Milotic-Hydro canon
Normal-Eevee-A random evelotion stone.
Electric-Rotomo-volt tackle.
And as an ultimate, Munchlax is very popular in japan so him with a special attack?
mabey Dynamic punch and mind reader?
and you can win a pokemon, of that type and they would be rare. with a special attack
Water-Milotic-Hydro canon
Normal-Eevee-A random evelotion stone.
Electric-Rotomo-volt tackle.
And as an ultimate, Munchlax is very popular in japan so him with a special attack?
mabey Dynamic punch and mind reader?