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i cant think of another move.

holding leftovers
rock slide
dragon dance

any help would be appreciated

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Taunt, Substitute, Crunch, Aerial Ace? come to mind...I'd go for Subs or Crunch. Never use Hyper Beam or Thrash.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
No Hyper Beam please. Two Rock Slides with STAB or Earthquakes deal more damage than a Hyper Beam.

T-Wave, Sub, Taunt or Aerial Ace are options for the last moveslot. Taunt is the standard move, but it's a bit hard to pull off ingame. It's there to stop the foe from statusing you or reducing your stats, and to prevent them from stating up themselves while you Dragon Dance up. Same applies for Substitute, where they can't status you with a Sub up. T-Wave disables the foe by paralysis, and Aerial Ace is there if you're really afraid of Heracross or Breloom. Personally I'd pick Sub ingame, though T-Wave isn't bad either.


Well-Known Member
Hyper Beam is stupid and pointless (I would explain why it is but I really can't be bothered just take my word for it). Crunch is a suitable option but the best. Since you've gone with the DD set the best move for the final slot would be Taunt/Thunder Wave, your pick. Aerial Ace is good choice too.

Edit: Nooooooooooo, damn you Frost Nova, got their first.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
go aerial against grass since u have dragon dance for boost. if it was 4th gen i would prefer crunch but well old generation s metagame doesnt support. hyper beam if u dont have aerial tm

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Edit: Nooooooooooo, damn you Frost Nova, got their first.

Oops, sorry. Guess I took your spot did I? :)

I've already explained why Hyper Beam is bad, and I'm surprised people STILL haven't got it yet.

Rock Slide base power: 75

Rock Slide with STAB: 75 * 1.5 = 112.5

Earthquake base power: 100

Hyper Beam base power: 150

Rock Slide with STAB over 2 turns: 112.5 * 2 = 225

Earthquake over 2 turns: 100 * 2 = 200

Hyper Beam over 2 turns: 150 + 0 = 150

Hence RS with STAB / EQ over two turns > Hyper Beam.

Get it now, people?



You really shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve been telling people over and over why Hyper Beam sucks and should never be used, but people just don’t listen.

Your 4th move for DDTar should be:

Taunt/Thunder Wave/Aerial Ace/Substitute/Ice Beam



You can use a CB Tar

Tyranitar @Choice Band
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace
-Focus Punch/Thunderbolt

But the Dragon Dancer is best for in-game.

big bad deoxys

pokemon master
what about this moveset:

hyper beam


fire blast
ice beam
iron tail.




Big bad deoxys, you should stop suggesting bad movesets. You’ve been doing that a lot lately.


Rainbow Trainer
i cant think of another move.

holding leftovers
rock slide
dragon dance

any help would be appreciated

holding leftovers

Sunny Day

Tyranitar has good Special attack.
Now you good on beat Dragon/Fly/Earth/Fire/Rock/Steel/Ice/Grass/Electric pokemon.
And when you use Sunny Day the Flamethrower are much stronger and Blizzard has 100% chance to hit and water are not so effective longer.
You should learn Tyranitar this attack.
What you thing about my attackmoves?

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
And when you use Sunny Day the Flamethrower are much stronger and Blizzard has 100% chance to hit and water are not so effective longer.

What are you talking about? Yes Sunny Day boosts Flamethrower and weakens Water..but if anything, it makes Blizzard worse since should you be lucky enough to freeze the opponent, Sunny Day will thaw them out faster... just stick with CB Tar if you can't get DD.


Rainbow Trainer
What are you talking about? Yes Sunny Day boosts Flamethrower and weakens Water..but if anything, it makes Blizzard worse since should you be lucky enough to freeze the opponent, Sunny Day will thaw them out faster... just stick with CB Tar if you can't get DD.

Tyranitar have great moves.