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Tyranitar's Philosophy

If this is in the wrong section or spam or something, then I'm sorry.

"I don't use "uber" Pokemon,I don't calculate stat values, I don't use cheating devices, I don't breed my way to perfection, and I don't care about natures. I catch my Pokemon the way they are, and treat them like individuals instead of brainless drones. If you use this philosophy, copy & paste this into your signature."

When and where was this "philosophy" created? It seems surprisingly popular for a simple copy/paste philosophy, and I have no idea why so many people follow this.
I find it interesting how people create morals and ethics for imaginary videogame characters

by all means, whatever floats your boat

but It's highly unfair for them to pressure the rest of us into NOT playing the game tactically.


Torterra Firma
Yeah, I don't play the game tactically, but still.

Here's my philosophy: Do and be what you want, just don't force others to be like you.


I don't care what my pokemon are. I trewat them equally, But i like to make them evolve


I dropped my balls
Tyranitar's philosophy was made by him just to make him populair. He added that line "started by tyranitar with hope that lots of people would have HIS name in their siggies, and I find that sad.

I also find it sad that they call it Tyranitars philosophy, as if he invented it all >_> ZOMG I breed my pokes and pick out the best! Sue me!


Ooh, maaaan!
Know what? I'm not that sure why so many people follow it, either. And that one little phrase within the phrase; "treat them as individuals instead of brainless drones"... that plain creeps me out. How obsessed would you have to be with a game franchise to write that anywhere but in a fanfiction?

But I guess it doesn't matter, it doesn't really effect me in any way anyways. It's not like I'm ever gonna put it in MY signature. (Speaking of my signature, no one can post on my fanfic anymore... oooh man I HAVE to update. :'()

So yeah. Yeah, that's what I think of it. Screw legendaries anyways, my team's always way sophisticated, SO way sophisticated that adding a legendary wouldn't do squat.