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Awesome OOBER n00b
;236; I hatched 3 Tyrouges and I just don't understand how to get my attack and defense the same at level 20 to get a Hitmontop!!! Do they each raise at the same rate or something and u give him a vitamin to alter his stats to what you want??? ;236;
Do it at Lv.19 and its your best bet


Awesome OOBER n00b
okay so I'll do wut ShinyManafi said and save before a battle and never give up!!! mwuahahahha!!! I'll get u my pretty!!! ;236; = ;237;


I like pie.
You may have to give him vitamins. It's pretty much the only solution.

you can also ev train since it's just the stats that have to be the same. save at level 19 and experiment with different amounts of vitamins until you get it right.


I said, Bring It ON!
no, sorry everyone, but its even simpler than that. the first tyrogue you breed will be the same as the parent(F). the second should be the other kanto hitmon. the third will be top. trus me on this one. me and my brother have been breeding hitmons for ages