All right, I'll get things started. I've compiled my predictions for senate
here and my predictions for governor
here. I expect the GOP to gain for seats in the senate, picking up Arkansas, West Virginia, South Dakota, and Montana, mostly because the map is ridiculously GOP favored ( There are 7 D-held seats up in Romney states and only one R-held seat in an Obama state), but the fact that the president's party has a tendency to take a beating in the second midterm and Obama's below water approval ratings aren't exactly making things easier. On the other hand, I have Democrats gaining three governors seats (Maine, Pennsylvania, and Florida), while only losing Arkansas, for a net change of D+2. The governor's races are going to go a lot better than the senate for the D's for a couple of reasons. Republicans have to defend a number of unpopular governors, many in Obama states. Even Georgia, Kansas, and South Carolina are potentially in play, thanks to their respective governors horrible approval ratings. Additionally, governors races are dominated by local issues, so national politics will have much less of an effect here than in congressional races.
Regarding 2016, I'm going to state the obvious: Hillary is the clear frontrunner. There's nobody in the Democratic primary that can touch her, and she leads all of her potential Republican opponents. That being said, I don't think a Hillary presidency is inevitable. Polls right now mean nothing, and only really indicate name recognition. Besides, history has shown that it's extremely difficult for one party to win three elections in a row. Even if Hillary looks strong now, Democrat fatigue and Obama's approval can doom her.
Now that I've given my own long analysis, I should probably give my personal preference for 2016. Unlike most Democrats, I'm not #ready4hillary. In fact, the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency absolutely terrifies me. I don't think I could ever support anyone on record voting for both the Iraq War and PATRIOT act. And looking at her long political career, what has she actually accomplished? She was a do-nothing senator and the highlight of her tenure as First Lady was a botched attempt at health care reform. She wasn't really that great of a SoS either. As someone on the left so has been severely disappointed by Obama, Hillary only looks like she'll be worse.
Also she tried to ban violent video games ew.
So, who do I support?
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. The independent senator from Vermont, Sanders is the only democratic socialist serving in American government and without a doubt the closest to me ideologically. He's one of the few people who have expressed any interest in challenging Hillary from the left, and he brings many of the same criticisms of her as I did. Even if he has next to no chance, a contested primary is healthy for the party and no one candidate should be allowed to waltz into the nomination unquestioned like so many seem fine with Hillary doing. If Sanders does end up running, I'll be proud to support him.