We will never get out of this system until/unless we admit BOTH parties are bad for us.
This should ultimately be the takeaway. This isn't just a Trump win, this is a Democratic failure. Would Harris have won if she hadn't decided to pivot rightward over the past few weeks? Would she have won if she had made concrete promises to end the genocide in Gaza? If she had adopted the economic populism that so clearly appeals to working class Americans instead of allowing it to (unjustifiably) be used against her? I don't know. I believe so, but the fact is she
didn't. She went the other way. She fought for the status quo, and she lost. It's long past time we tried something else. It shouldn't even be a close race in the first place when the other guy is a bigoted bankrupt felon with a savior complex.
Our only hope for ever fixing the problems with the electoral system are to operate outside of it. For me, this means building class solidarity. Educate, agitate, organize. It means organizing unions and mutual aid groups and combating both fascist and neoliberal propaganda. You can't change a broken system by working within it, and the only path to a relatively peaceful revolution is through revolutionary unity. It's that, violent revolution, or a slow spiral into totalitarianism. Those are the three paths ahead of us. I know which one I want to take.
Check in on your friends, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community. Look for local mutual aid groups and political organizations who operate outside of the two-party system. Talk to your co-workers about unionizing. Read and research the writings and perspectives of radical activists. Make connections with antifascist groups in your area. Above all else, never shut up. Solidarity forever.
Oh, and just in case things really do get as bad as they very well could, make sure your passports are up to date and, if at all possible, save up a little money (preferably in cash) to use in an emergency. If you're a member of a marginalized community or at all a visible leftist figure, have a plan to leave the country if **** hits the fan. Mass arrests and LGBTQ+/leftist organizations being designated 'terrorists' or 'groomers' and facing police crackdowns are completely on the table.