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uber-olly's badge shop


Uber spriter
Ok this is my 1st shop so I guess it isnt guna lst very long :p

As the titles stats I make custom badges for people. all you have to do is tell me about the badge shape, colour, any other bits you might want or draw a picture and i'll copy it as best I can.

Examples of work:

The shop isnt open as such but request and I'll make a list in the post and start making them this weekend (sooner if I have no work)

Happy requesting :)
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Uber spriter
Ermm no, thats wouldn't be a CUSTOM badge would it.
+ I don't have any good images of them :redface:
Examples are up on 1st post.


i need yami no game badges.
Think of egyptian symbols for the types and for the last one, Make it the yami yugi symbol from yugioh.


For the types use whatever you feel matches each type.
For the Yami champion yami yugi eye badge... use this:


Dark Trainer
can i get a badge?
colour: Black
Shape:sorta like a 'V' except flat bottom and pointed ends.
Drawings: Blue stripes on the angles parts(like Umbreons eras) and a small red circluar gem thing in the middle.
