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Uber Training....


Shiny Salamence Duo
First of all I would like to apologize for my stupidity the other day....i guess I was way off in my behavior....don't take offense in this but I am off of the computer alot......I waste time at school here you can look at my profile for my number of...posts. I wouldn't dare associate myself with this site all day or I would likely fall asleep. And anyone I ****** off forgive me.

P.S. thanks for your help I was sure that is was physical i just wanted to be 100% sure.

Anyway on to my question....what are your feeling on uber training???? Does it seem wrong to make legendaries as your party members that few non-legendaires can't beat???

IMO uber training is wrong but then again I am wrong sometimes...


Well-Known Member
Well I don't know what you did so I won't comment on that.

As for ubers, I do feel they spoil the game somewhat. However, they were put in the games for a reason so they should be useable if someone wants to. That is why I advocate having an option whether or not to ban Legendaries from a battle.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
If your playing link battles you can talk to the person your going to battle and ask if he/she has a problem with using ubers, if your playing in-game you can use ubers if you like that's why they put them in the games



<-If only it was red
You can use them in the main game, but I am against that, at all times.

Ask before link battles, and if 1 person disagrees, you should not use the ubers.


Shiny Salamence Duo
Well if you want to know look at the EARTHQUAKE thread it's somewhere in page 5 I am sure you will know then.

Anyway as I was saying....having the ubers is great and all just for bragging rights but I still disagree with the use of them unless you are just haveing an uber link battle, there is nothing special or unique because they aren't hard to get unless it is Deoxys or Ho-oH or something that you have to go way out of your way for.


Beginning Trainer
When you reach the point in the game that you get legendaries, you've completed the part where pure strength makes it easier. At that point, what I usually do is capture and evolve pokémon to fill my pokédex - and using super-strong pokémon doesn't make this easier, just less tedious. And after that, there's not much to do - R/S/E have contests, where they don't matter much anyway, FR/LG doesn't have much more than that, Emerald has the Battle Frontier where they aren't allowed anyway, and Colosseum/GoD has Mt. Battle, where the game itself uses legendaries.

Then there's link battles/tournaments. In these battles, those pokémon are usually excluded, with good reason - if they were allowed, then everyone would have to use them to be able to beat everyone else, abolishing the need for tactics and restricting the number of available pokémon to 17.

Other tournaments allow legendaries to a certain extent, where their level is limited, or the strength of the rest of the party goes down.

Besides, my lv100 Rayquaza doesn't do anything that my lv100 Swampert can't do just as well, in-game speaking. The Swampert isn't considered cheap, but it's just as good as any legendary, simply because his level is much higher than that of the in-game pokémon (excluding Battle Tower/Frontier, where Rayquaza isn't allowed anyway).

My point is that training a legendary pokémon doesn't give you many benefits that you couldn't have without them. In all the situations where they're actually useful, they could either be replaced by a simple Swampert, or they're excluded from entering.


Shiny Salamence Duo
I agree...but the thing is a Swampert is a little rarer than a legendary for the simple fact that in emerald you can get all of the legendaries but you can only get one of the starters....I am okay with starters its legendaries that I wondered about though...good point though!


Beginning Trainer
Well, yes, the Swampert was just an example. Replace 'Swampert' with 'Camerupt', and the point still stands...


Angel of Mercy
Uber battles are fun sometimes... I guess it's the fact that they're just one of our fave Pokemon (I'm really into Rayquaza, and I got 2 friends who really like Groudon)

Before, we used to battle with anything, but later, we realized that we couldn't make a new team (without getting thrashed) unless we added a Rayquaza/Groudon/Kyogre, so then we outlawed Legendaries (unless they're agreed for the battle)

For me... it's about people using their fave Pokes (Sure, I like more things than Rayquaza, but what else do I have a Shiny of ^_^)


Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Ubers ruin the game...jst use them for your pokemon collection...unless you are really desperate...

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with uber training. they are in the game for everyone to use, not just to be used by some desperate strategy-less N00b, as some people claim. Plus there isn't anyone of those little b*stards that my Snorlax can't beat. People just complain about ubers because they don't have the strategy level to beat them.


Pokemon Solider
I am working on 2 teams one Uber team and one not. I like to play with both. I guess its really what you want to do!


Shiny Salamence Duo
Its not that I can't beat them and I don't think they are for strategyless trainers its just that its not that original of a team...I have no trouble beating Rayquaza or anything else uber....its just that I find it pointless to train ubers its not like you having a pokemon that is hard to train and battle with it there is no fun in it at all that I see.

On the comment of Ubers being for strategyless traniers....most of them don't even know how to use all of that potential.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I've EV trained a Latios, but I don't think it's cheating, the Battle Tower Maiden uses it too.

Ubers are not cheating. EV training is not cheating. Latios is not an uber.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Wobbuffet IS considered an uber.