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uh question(No need for the help topic)


i hear their are new moves in MD.Tell me what they are,which pokemon know them,what do they do,and what are the requirements to learn tem?


Storm of Fire
Actually there are.

Vaccum Cut: Everyone get's 30 damage
Vertical Cut: Attacks in 4 directions
Horizantal Cut: Attacks in 3 direction
Excavate: Breaks Walls o_O
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Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Where do you get them?


I won't give up!
Horizontal Cut and Vacuum Cut are both found in Faraway Sea and require a Key. I guess the other two are obtained like regular TMs.


Excavate is a TM not sure how to get it. Vacuum Cut and Horizontal Slash are found in Far-Off Sea. Vacuum Cut is on the 72nd floor. Horizontal Slash is on the 50th floor. Key dont start appearing until the 51st floor so bring one