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Uh... which one am I supposed to get?


you taste like fear
First of all, yes I searched through the forums and I don't believe this has been posted anywhere else. So I'll ask now.

So I've been looking around eBay and stuff for a Diamond version to buy, right? But that's when I start seeing stuff that confuses me. In the bottom-left corner of the packages there's a little stamp that I suppose is similar to the official Nintendo seal or whatever. But I've seen two different little stamps. Both of them look like white boxes with the word "CERO" written on top, but one has an "A" underneath the CERO and the other seems to have the word "CERO" written on it again where the A would be. Now, I've looked at the official website at the boxes, and so I know that the one with the A is legit. But what is the other one? Is it counterfeit? Is it a different region or type of Japanese? Is it okay if I buy a game without the little "A" in the corner?

I'm sorry if that description sounds a bit vague, but I can't quite get the sort of clear pictures I'd need to illustrate. If you want to look for yourself, go on eBay, search for either Diamond or Pearl and check the ones that they have. I know that the games being sold for 55 US dollars with 8 dollars shipping have the... uh... not "A" thing in the corner.

Can someone help me out? I'm so confused...

I can clarify or try to point to better pictures if anyone thinks it would help.


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Just Kiddddding

1st why are you on ebay try this site it more realiable and you wont find a buch a fake rip offs.


2nd this is an offical box art from that site so here
its like $55 with lowest shipping


Charizard Trainer
Yeah and there are other sites besides Play Asia that have Diamond and all are very good and they ship fast. Try, Toys n Joys.com or Yes Asia.com. All three are very good sites. I just got my Pearl and Wi Fi from Play Asia. Ebay I wouldn't trust since some of their products are bootlegs. I rather buy the ones from online stores like these three. If you want to chose money order for your game, Toys n Joys is the one to get it from. The other two have Pay Pal and Credit Cards(Toys n Joys as well). Choose any of these three great sites and happy buying for Diamond :)


you taste like fear
Well, yes, I realized that a while ago, and I've been looking at PlayAsia and YesAsia (even though my mom is on eBay and would be more likely to buy from there anyway rather than some site she doesn't know). I've bought counterfeit games from eBay before, and I know perfectly well to be careful around that place and to check other places as well. But I still want to know what the difference is, all the same. Does anyone know what the other little symbol in the corner is? Anyone at all?

...Besides, I've also seen the packages with the funny symbol in places other than eBay, although I don't recall where.
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you taste like fear
Ah... that was another of my guesses, yes. But then why does the same game have two different ratings? Unless... unless the ones with the "CERO" instead of of the "A" are the same as our "RP" (rating pending)... which would mean that the eBay sellers and those... wherever else I saw the dang things... are just using older stock photos that were issued before the rating was given. Some places are still doing that with Twilight Princess and other Wii games, heh...

That would make sense. I was already leaning more towards buying from yesasia than eBay anyway, but I wanted this cleared up out of curiosity. I suppose that's the answer, then. Thanks!