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Uhm, The Heck?

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Mirai Mirai

rabid kitten
There's something seriously wrong with my LeafGreen.

I've never ever used a cheating device in my life. I've never traded or battled with someone who has. I have a common problem where I'd have to blow into my catridge for my game to work--alot of people I've talked to have said they have to do that too.

Earlier I was about to capture a Snorlax--but I had to eat so I saved my game. I waited until I could turn it off and I put it on the living room's coffee table.

I get back and I turn it back on--it tells me my file is corrupted and it says something else about going back on something. I find myself where I save--I capture the Snorlax and I battle from Trainers. I tried to save--but then a screen pops up saying:

"Save failed.
Checking the backup memory...
Please waiting.
"Time Required:
"about one minute""

Its been about five minutes, and nothing has happen.

EDIT: I turned it off--and the game still there. I'm just back next to the Snorlax...and I can save again.

I just want to know what wrong with my game.
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king krab kingler

So.......what you worrying about,If your right back next to snorlax?
Does it still prevent you from saving?
If so then I think your game is a bit ''duffed'' up lol.
You should get a new one......

Mirai Mirai

rabid kitten
I'm worrying about my save filed being deleted from what has happen in the last hours.

It prevented me from saving once. Yet I turn my game off while waiting for it to find my back-up and boom! I can save again.


Chances are it's just a one time thing. If it happens again, you may have a faulty game, I don't know, but I'd check into getting another one. I wouldn't recommend blowing on the cartridge. Reason being is that you're going to transfer a lot of spit along with anything that may come off of your teeth. That's to say spit and possibly food particles. Don't want that getting on your game. >.< Now that I bring it up, maybe THAT's what caused your came to mess up. Who knows?

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Silverchan said:
There's something seriously wrong with my LeafGreen.

I've never ever used a cheating device in my life. I've never traded or battled with someone who has. I have a common problem where I'd have to blow into my catridge for my game to work--alot of people I've talked to have said they have to do that too.

Earlier I was about to capture a Snorlax--but I had to eat so I saved my game. I waited until I could turn it off and I put it on the living room's coffee table.

There is your problem you left it on the living room's coffee table chances are that the table was wet, was in sunlight, the room was too hot or it might have fallen down and someone put it back on to the table.

Those are the most common cause of data loss beside faultly game data and fake game.
Thats happened to me before, after the link cable would fall out of my game, but that hasnt happened latly, and everything was normal afterwards


It could be from sitting in the sunlight, this comes from my own personal experience: Yellow version, had 149 Pokemon, left sitting in the sun, turned it back on later...save file corrupted.

For your game, it might have only been exposed for a bit, but it might have warped your game a little.


Yeah that happened to my mine, water spilt on it and everything was all messed up and was saying currupt file. Don't worry if you loose your file, just make another one lol, personally i like starting over but the hardest part is wasting all your time you spent on it=\


insert custom title
Just try to keep your best in protecting your cartridge like me. My room is maniacally orderly! XP But it does help keep my games fixed. Heck I can still play my old RBY files...


The reason you got back to your old save file is because the game actually stores two save files. When you save, the file on the first spot will be moved to the second spot and it will write the current save on the first spot. When your file in the first slot is corrupted, you can still go back to your old file where things are still okay.

Did you have any problems with other games?

I suggest you clean the cartridge slot on your GBA(NOT WITH LIQUIDS). It might be dirty and might prevent the game from saving correctly. Also clean the connector on the cartridge. If your game still does weird stuff, return it or try to ignore the problems.


maybe your game has a Virus or you buyed a bad game or a False game :( well hope you get to play Leafgreen well:)


Hive Trainer
If it is still happening then maybe there was a magnet next to your GBA, because I magnet can mess up a ton of stuff like video games. Hopefully if you just retry it it will work eventually. Well until it saves or you start a new game you get to see the beautiful snorlax laying right there tempting you to catch it. Well hope it works.

P.S. If it doesnt work get a new copy by buying it or if you have a warranty then return it.


Take better care of your games and/or system. That's the only advice I have.

pik achoo

One of my friend's leafgreens did something like that. We turned it on and it said file lost or something, then it atomaticly started a new game.


< It's Passion Pink!
Sounds like dust. One of the pins associated with the save flash might have been obstructed. Clean it out, turn it on, and save TWICE.
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